I have written about this before, and I am revisiting it because it is receiving renewed coverage:
A paper written and presented in 1997 by Stephen Parry entitled ‘Port Arthur Massacre – AFDA National Embalming Team – Detailed Report’, that appears in a little-known book entitled ‘PORT ARTHUR SEMINAR PAPERS: A record of the Port Arthur Seminar’, 11-12 March, 1997, Melbourne, Victoria (ISBN 0642271364) clearly shows the incident that rocked a nation was planned.
In his 16 page, disturbing 1997 paper, Senator Parry stated in the following passage :
“I was particularly impressed by the quick response and initiatives by some of the team members in packaging and collecting equipment.
The response time and the amount of equipment quickly relocated was fantastic. One firm in particular, Nelson Brothers, had organised for an embalming machine box and a special large equipment case to be manufactured ready for the incident. These two containers were the envy of all embalmers and worked extremely well.
I would suggest that design specifications may be available from this firm for any future considerations by other firms.” (highlighted by CN)
Parry reveals the funeral services company of Nelson Brothers in Melbourne, Victoria, had undertaken preparations prior to the shooting.
End of quote.
The average Australian is completely oblivious to this travesty, continuing to believe that the patsy, Martin Bryant, a (still) young man of very low IQ, perpetrated this complex mass murder event, just as they are oblivious to the level of control that is exercised over their country and themselves.
Stephen Parry is now an Australian Senator. Nice reward for a job well done. Of course, the MSM will never touch this story. They’ve been complicit from the very beginning, it would appear.
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