I find it interesting that this video interview with Daniel Ellsberg from a couple of years ago saying Assange was at risk should come to me today, within hours of this video discussing the making of the Wikileaks movie “Mediastan”. Look at how different Assange appears. To me, he looks like someone who is on powerful medication and I would not be surprised if he is not with us for much longer.
There is no doubt that the US has the ability to deliver cancer and other fatal illnesses to people. This was discussed by Judyth Vary Baker, the girlfriend of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans at the time the JFK assassination, i.e. 1963 – 50 years ago!!! It’s hard to imagine what they currently have at their disposal. I have no doubt this is why Fidel Castro brought his own chickens to New York all those years ago. He knew the Americans would try and kill him. It is said Castro warned Hugo Chavez to be vigilant about this and Chavez discussed this in this report. Unfortunately he was not vigilant enough and succumbed in March 2013.
I also cannot help but wonder about the virulent cancer that killed the brilliant, articulate, unconventional, fearless, outspoken Terence McKenna in 2000. He was such a threat to the stupor that most have been comatosed into, regardless of your opinion of what he had to say.
I hope I’m wrong about Assange.
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