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January 2025



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Thank you, Molly.

This article purports to contain the closing remarks of the Chairman of the most recent meeting of the Bilderberg group (use a translation service in your browser to translate if you cannot read French). I have not been able to verify this article, but is authored by one Charles Sannat, and I have linked to this version of the article because it provides an introduction to him:

Sannat Charles is a graduate of the School of Foreign Trade Centre and Diplomatic and Strategic Studies. He began his career in 1997 in the technology sector as a consultant and manager within the Altran Group – Information Technology Division (banking / insurance sector). He joined BNP Paribas in 2006 as an investment officer and joined the Department of Economic Research of in 2011. He taught economics at several schools in the Paris Trade and writes regularly on economic news.

Given his profile, I’m inclined to accept it, and also because it is entirely consistent with the forces I observe at work in our world. The address is entitled “Beyond capitalism. Crossing the new frontier “, and outlines plans, amongst others, to depopulate the planet. I quote:

The initial target is the massive depopulation protecting the environment as much, which is to exclude fields of all our possible use of nuclear weapons would inflict some irreparable damage to our planet so small. The tools we have are few but their combined effectiveness is certain to resonate since coming back we will get what the military calls a “force multipliers.” This is the triptych economic collapse, civil war and massive epidemics. Using these three tools will allow us to eventually reduce the world’s population 7-10BN inhabitants. We believe that achieving our target of 500 million human beings alive is illusory and that, despite all our efforts to reduce pockets of survivors remain everywhere across the planet. However, these pockets should not cause us major problems, in any case initially because their disorganization, their isolation and inability to master all the techniques that would be its namesake because of their low numbers should significantly limit their power to harm. We believe that in a few years many will disappear and the few that remain more or less quickly return to the wild in a few generations. Any group that threatens us is, in all cases, treated quickly. 

It is easy to see the seeds of all of these three elements of their triptych present today. I commend the article to you and I encourage you to use your own discernment to assess its veracity. Unless we understand our world, we cannot grasp the necessity for it to change. For me, the grip of these forces is too powerful for anything short of a shift in consciousness to set us free.

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