It’s easy to consider what happened 100 years ago as irrelevant to today; but the events that created WWI and who did so bears very directly upon what is happening today, since the same group control the game behind the scenes. This article provides an excellent discussion of the forces at work, led by – you’d never guess – the Rothschilds:
Today, the Zio-American Empire is in a position not unlike the one the British Empire found itself in at the beginning of the 20th century. The Empire’s problems include:
*Expanding Russian influence in the heart of Eurasia.
*Germany’s economic domination of Europe, raising the specter of a German-Russian entente that would end the English-speaking “rimland’s” global hegemony.
*Changes in naval technology that threaten historical Anglo domination of the world through the oceans.
*Imperial overstretch.
*Relative Imperial economic decline vis-a-vis the rest of the world.
*Muslim and Middle Eastern opposition to a genocidal Zionist entity in Palestine.
These were all problems in 1914 – only the details differ – and they are still problems today (from the point of view of the self-appointed Masters of the Universe). Today, a few new problems have entered the mix, including: the rise of China; a currency crisis stemming from unpayable debt due to the explosion of fiat funny-money; the spread of nuclear weapons technology (and perhaps “exotic” technologies as well); independence movements in Latin America; and so on. But the gist of the situation today is not unlike that of 1914.
Will the Zio-Americans today do what the British did in 1914 and start a world war? Or will they allow the sun to finally set on the Anglo-Zionist Empire?…
… Mujahid Kamran
August 1, 2017
The history of the First World War is a deliberately concocted lie. Not the sacrifice, the heroism, the horrendous waste of life or the misery that followed. No, these were very real but the truth of how it all began and how it was unnecessarily and deliberately prolonged beyond 1915 has been successfully covered up for a century. A carefully falsified history was created to conceal the fact that Britain, not Germany, was responsible for the war. Had the truth become known after 1918, the consequences for the British Establishment would have been cataclysmic.”
Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor
The Planners and the Plan
The First World War did not just happen. There is undeniable evidence that the war was planned by the international-banker controlled British oligarchy almost two decades before it broke out (see e.g. [1-3]). In their outstanding book Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor have established beyond reasonable doubt that indeed the First World War was planned by a tiny group of members of the British oligarchy including Nathaniel Rothschild [1]. While building upon what was first revealed by the late Professor Carrol Quigley, they have not only provided detailed evidence in favor of this thesis, but have also revealed the astonishing role of the British monarch, King Edward VII, in secretly building alliances against Germany. They have provided ample evidence that the playboy King, much disliked by his mother Queen Victoria, went along with the secret group that had, in the first place, planned this horrific war.
The secret group of people, whose existence was first revealed by Professor Carrol Quigley, thus putting his own life in danger, decided to work behind the scenes with the utmost secrecy. The revelations of Professor Quigley were based on documents provided by the Secret Elite, as they are referred to sometimes. The documents were provided for the purpose of writing a sanitized history. The goal of the Secret Elite was the expansion of the British empire to the total exclusion of other powers. This cabal was extremely wealthy. Cecil Rhodes, who, with Rothschild help, had amassed a huge fortune in South Africa, first discussed his plans with Nathaniel Rothschild in February 1890 in the presence of a few members of the British oligarchy. In 1891 a five-member secret group comprising Cecil Rhodes, Nathaniel Rothschild, William Stead, Lord Esher and Alfred Milner became, unknown to anyone else, the core group that decided to steer the world towards a war aimed at the destruction of Germany. They called themselves the Society of the Elect. Around themselves they built, as if in a concentric circle, The Association of Helpers, eminent men, who did not know of the Society of the Elect. Other men were gradually involved in the plan but they were not aware of the separate existence of the five-member core. Together, these men steered and controlled the course of British foreign policy, unknown to the Parliament, the people, the Cabinet, and others who were constitutionally relevant. These men represented a new phenomenon on the world stage – the money kings, who held no office and yet had real power to decide the fate of nations. When Rhodes died at age 48, he left all his money to these men for the sole purpose of extending the British empire over the entire globe. Secrecy was of utmost importance to this group.
The destruction of Germany, the Secret Elite knew, would entail enormous bloodshed. They also knew that Britain could not do it alone. It needed the strength of the Russian and French armies to achieve that end.
And maybe the Secret Elite wanted Russia and France to shed their own and German blood for them. But France had been a traditional enemy of the British and vice versa whereas Russia and Britain had vied for the control of the Black Sea and the annexation of Constantinople i.e. Istanbul. There was rivalry between Russia and Britain regarding the Russian urge southwards and eastwards to warm waters, seaports that could function round the year. In the south lay the “jewel” of the British empire – India. Despite these rivalries the Secret Elite was determined to befriend and woo both France and Russia because it considered Germany the most potent threat to the existence of the British empire. Germany was not fully aware of this heinous plan aimed at its utter destruction. And Russia and France, both were trapped by the Secret Elite. In fact, the Secret Elite succeeded not only in destroying Germany, they also destroyed Russia, and by prolonging the war, destroyed the Ottoman as well as the Austro-Hungarian empires. Britain, in the end, did not really benefit. The Zionists did – the Illuminati Zionist bankers emerged as the real force on the world stage. The Milners and the Eshers and Balfours, and all others became powerless eventually and faded away. The Rothschilds have continued into the 21st century enhancing their power and wealth with every major bloodshed. They and their illuminati banking brethren were the real beneficiaries. The Christian West was the real loser. And so were the Muslims.
End of quote.
I commend the rest of the article to you.
Unless we understand these events, we are blind to the forces controlling our world today. They are no different.
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