Thank you, Gillian.
“It’s The Economy, Stupid”
Michael Snyder asks a relevant question concerning the US economy. How will it improve in 2014 if almost everyone has less money to spend?
Snyder points to Obamacare, higher taxes, higher interest rates, larger debt payments, and government benefit cuts as planned extractions from the average citizen’s wallet.
In addition to the above is the sad fact that fewer jobs are being created than the number of applicants for jobs. “The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy created 74,000 net new jobs in December. . . . A job gain of 74,000, even if it is real, is about half of what is needed to keep the unemployment rate even with population growth. Yet the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the unemployment rate fell from 7.0% to 6.7%.
Clearly, this decline in unemployment was not caused by the reported 74,000 jobs gain. The unemployment rate fell because Americans unable to find jobs ceased looking for employment and, thereby, ceased to be counted as unemployed.”
As might be expected the stressed financial condition of laid-off Americans was made worse by Congressional budget cuts prior to the Christmas break. “Congress must have seen all those jobs before they went home for Christmas, because our representatives let extended unemployment benefits expire for 1.3 million unemployed Americans, who have not yet met up with those new economy jobs, or even with an old economy job for that matter.”
In America the unemployment rate is a deception just like everything else. The rate of American unemployment fell because people can’t find jobs. The fewer the jobs, the lower the unemployment rate.”
It’s All Made Up
Darrell Huff’s book “How to lie with statistics” seems to be the mainstay of Federal economic policy. There can be no other explanation for administrations that tell economic lies so straightforwardly, shamelessly and unabashedly that original data morphs into its exact opposite. This is because lying to the American people has been standard operating procedure for all but the earliest administrations and is bi-partisan in nature.
For example 20 years ago, the Clinton administration foisted NAFTA on the USA and Mexico. Ross Perot used his fleeting Presidential platform to warn Americans that it was bad, bad, bad. Both his opponents, George H.W. Bush (Republican) and Bill Clinton (Democrat), argued that NAFTA would create jobs in the U.S. because of business expansion. Needless to say NAFTA did no such thing. It was never designed to serve the people. It was designed to serve corporate and globalist interests and is merely a precursor to the much worse TransPacific Partnership Agreement jetting through Congress right now.
“The reason Free Trade agreement swindles, detested by the suffering public, is such a dramatic failure is that twenty years of diminished wealth hits everyone’s pocketbooks. No longer can the dreadful results from the hidden fine print of treaty documents stay secret from the impoverished middle and underclass.”
Cooked Books And Double Standards
Scott Cohn of CNBC wrote about the Justice Department’s refusal to honor a Wall Street regulator’s request for a subpoena against JPMorgan Chase. The subpoena was to obtain Madoff-related documents the firm had refused to turn over. “It’s a big story when a serial miscreant like JPMorgan . . . risks obstruction of justice charges by denying one of its key regulators internal documents. It becomes an explosive story when the Justice Department, the highest law enforcement agency in the land and the regulator’s only source of help in enforcing a subpoena for the documents, sides with the serial miscreant instead of the regulator.”
So while it is perfectly okay for TSA to grope innocent citizens and for NSA to trample privacy everywhere, it is not okay to go after JPMorgan, not even if you’re the Inspector General. “The Inspector General’s office clearly believed there was merit to the OCC’s claim because it issued its own administrative subpoena for the documents, according to the CNBC story. JPMorgan refused that request as well, leading the Inspector General to ask the Justice Department to enforce the subpoena – a request it refused to honor.”
The Writing’s On The Wall
This level of corruption, deceit, theft, and unbridled degeneracy cannot be sustained for much longer. It is a mystery to most that it has managed to continue as long as it has. Those who plan these cycles are convinced they can successfully collapse the American economy and replace it with a global currency they control. These would be well advised to heed the wisdom in the old English proverb “There’s many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.” If they don’t they may encounter an unpalatable truth from Horace Mann “Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.”
Until next week,
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