Thank you, Gillian.
One corporate name crops up regularly in every aspect of the eugenics agenda. Monsanto. Perhaps that’s why the Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation bought 500,000 shares last year. Monsanto had finally earned the Gates’ stamp of approval for its decidedly life-threatening GMO agenda.
If GMOs Are So Great Why The Lies?
Dr Brian John wrote an open letter to Professor Anne Glover, the Chief Scientific Advisor to the EU President concerning GMOs “Your claim that there is no evidence adverse GMO impacts is a lie.”
You see, Professor Glover somehow missed all the peer-reviewed literature that concluded GMOs were problematic. . . “I wish to place on record that there is abundant and unequivocal published evidence, within and outside the peer-reviewed literature, of real harm to living organisms in the plant and animal kingdoms arising from the growing of GMO crops and the consumption of GMO foodstuffs. This material is freely available to any scientist who chooses to examine it, and many of the key publications are found within a list recently compiled and published by GMO Free USA.[3] I am not impressed when somebody in your position purports to be unaware of this very large body of evidence.”
Monsanto, Monsanto. Everywhere Monsanto!
Monsanto, the company preeminently associated with developing genetically modified organisms, is also the creator of Roundup, a herbicide whose main active ingredient – glyphosate – has been linked to gluten intolerance and celiac disease. “People are mostly unaware that there has been a recent change in agricultural practices whereby wheat, sugar cane, barley, and other common crops are sprayed with glyphosate just before the harvest for desiccation/ripening. This surely means that there’s a lot more residue in the foods derived from these crops than there used to be.”
In addition, Dr.Stephanie Seneff (MIT) writes “[T]he Roundup-Ready core crops of the processed food industry – corn, soy, sugar beets, canola — have caused a massive problem with “roundup-ready” weeds, such that more and more Roundup has to be applied to get the same effect. The increased use of glyphosate on corn and soy correlates extremely well with the rise in incidence of a host of modern diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, autism, Alzheimer’s, celiac disease, irritable bowel, celiac disease, kidney cancer, kidney failure, hepatitis C, pancreatic cancer, Parkinson’s disease and thyroid cancer.”
Ever Heard Of The Global Health Security Initiative?
While Monsanto takes care of the practical details of poisoning humanity global controllers advance policies and directives via international bodies aimed at regulating our physical beings. “The Global Health Security Initiative (GHSI) is an audacious new plan to “control” infectious disease and antibiotic resistance [2] which, in 9 dryly worded, reasonable sounding points, neatly wipes out your freedom, your movement, your health choice including your right to refuse vaccines or other “treatment” and, in fact, your very right to be alive[3]. In other words, Agenda 21 arrives in a white coat with an army of enforcers enabled, transnationally, to do whatever it takes to protect you, including relocation, deportation, and termination.”
Is it possible all the exotic diseases erupting around the globe in recent years have been engineered and purposely released to create conditions requiring state control of your body? Dr. Laibow observes. “Laboratories of private companies like Monsanto create monstrosities and then skip free of any consequences. For example, it appears that MSRA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) was created in a laboratory in France and flushed down the drain by lab personnel.[17] MSRA kills hundreds of thousands of people or more each year.[18]
“New genetic monstrosities like the avian flu (H1N1) apparently intentionally re-crafted with the genetic sequence that made the 1918 flu so deadly woven into it and, evidence suggests, SARS[19],[20],[21] and Swine Flu (H5N1)[22],[23] may well all be lab creations: all gifts that keep on giving, via the vaccines that are so strongly correlated with their spread[24],[25],[26].”
It’s All Doomed To Fail
Disequilibrium caused by overarching negativity invariably collapses under its own weight of misdeeds, misjudgments, and mistakes. At this time disequilibrium is not limited to corporate actors like Monsanto. It exists in banking, social and ecological systems, jurisprudence, and planetary governance. Signs of impending collapse are everywhere – “suicided” bankers, a stock market disconnected from fundamentals, NATO desperation to start WW3, Supreme Courts that rule legislation passed because “it isn’t a tax” is perfectly sound so long as it collects taxes. Etc.
It is therefore a small leap to the inevitable conclusion that this level of imbalance cannot be sustained. Even the ones creating chaos are beginning to realize that letting the genie of destruction out of the bottle has proved a good bit easier than controlling it, now unleashed.
Until next week,
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