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September 2024



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I quote this article:

The Netherlands has launched a public consultation (in Dutch) on a draft bill (Google Translate) that updates the country’s existing Intelligence & Security Act of 2002. The proposed bill is wide-ranging, covering things like the use of DNA samples and the opening of letters, but a key part concerns the regulation of bulk surveillance online. As Matthijs R. Koot explains in a blog post, under the new law, mandatory cooperation will be required from “not only providers of public electronic communications networks and services, but also providers to closed user groups, including telcos, access providers, hosting providers and website operators.”

Importantly, domestic interception is explicitly allowed: “The services are authorized to, using a technical aid, wiretap, receive, record and listen to any form of telecommunications or data transfer via an automated work [a computerised system] regardless of location.” However, a new constraint on bulk collection is introduced: all such interceptions must be conducted in a “purpose-oriented manner.” As Koot notes, this aims to “limit the hay stack created using non-specific interception to relevant information,” although it is not yet clear how broad those “purposes” can be.

Under the new law, providers of communication services would be required to hand over certain kinds of data that the government might regard as necessary to carry out the interception. Koot explains this would include “technical data of for instance the telecommunications network exploited by the provider, and the equipment used etc., which are necessary to—in consultation with the provider—determine what technical provisions that need to be made to carry out the authorized interception.”

In addition, the authorities can demand a customer’s metadata: “The services are authorized to contact a provider of a communication service to request data concerning the telecommunication of a user that has been stored by the provider as part of the communication service offered.” The exact categories of metadata wll be laid down later. New provisions allow “automated data analysis” of that metadata.

There is a further important capability that will be available to the Dutch authorities. Under the proposed law, Koot writes, “the intelligence services are authorized to compel anyone to help decrypt data in [a computerised system] … or help decrypt conversations, telecommunications or data transfer … ; either by handing over keys or providing decrypted data. Another option to defeat encryption is the use of the hacking power” to break into systems. (My emphasis).

End of quote.

For me, the interesting thing about this is how the globalists implement their global agenda in the places most likely to accept it – the low hanging fruit. Then it creeps out across the globe. These acts appear isolated but they are not. If you tried to introduce this in the US or even Germany, there would a great hue and cry, but the Netherlands? And Cameron has been talking about this in Britain.

Until you understand that terrorism is, amongst other things, an excuse to collect everything about all of us, you will not join these dots. When you do, these seemingly separate events join up very quickly. And terrorism is but one of probably hundreds of mechanisms used to transform our world and what we are willing to accept of it.

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