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January 2025



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I have said more than once that I would write about and illustrate the veracity of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

But I don’t need to. There are many others who have done it thoroughly.

The Protocols first appeared in Russia in the late 19th century and the staple argument against them was an article in the British Press of the early 20th century, ostensibly discrediting them as a forgery.

However, the criterion Henry Ford applied in 1920 – do they describe what’s happening in the world? – applies as strongly today as it did in Ford’s time.

For a quick illustration, listen to Jewish born and raised Brother Nathaniel cutting to the chase in his pithy manner.

For a more historical perspective, here is Dr William Luther Pierce.

And in more detail, here is Dr. David Duke. Duke has been thoroughly demonised by the Jewish owned and controlled mainstream press, which you need to take as a vote for the truth of what he is bringing forth; the exact opposite of the MSM’s intent. I consider Duke to be today’s Henry Ford in this area. He writes intelligently and cogently on the subject and he will not go quietly. He has also used Ford’s tactic in his writings of only quoting Jewish sources, letting them expose themselves. They finally shut Ford down by threatening to bankrupt the Ford Motor Company. Duke does not appear to have that vulnerability.

And if you want to understand how our world works and why, I encourage you to seek out a copy and read them. Only then can you begin to make sense of our world. I mean it when I say that it will be as if the scales have fallen from your eyes.


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