I remember from the 70’s the stories of Idi Amin and the pathological monster he was.
But was he?
Today, I look a lot more critically at the source of that picture – the mainstream media; who controls it and for what end.
So, when I watched this brief video, it all made sense.
Amin was trained in Israel and was feted by Golda Meir, then Israeli PM, and Moshe Dayan, the Israeli defence minister of the day.
But then he switched. He severed relations with Israel because he could see they were robbing his country blind.
And then he becomes this monster that has the heads of his enemies in a freezer in his house and lectures them, according to Time magazine.
As the propagandists tell us, the bigger the lie, the easier it is to sell.
You may like to watch this video. It might just reset your picture of Amin as it did mine, and slot another puzzle piece into place.
In simple terms, no country leader opposes the Zionists and stays in power, and often does not live to tell their version of things.
Just ask the last Russian Czar.
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