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January 2025



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This is how our world works – EVERY DAY!!!

Look over here whilst we do this in the darkness.

For the last 100+ years that I know of, this practice has been widespread.

Let’s take the 1913 legislation to establish the US Federal Reserve. Passed on Christmas Eve, after most legislators had left for Christmas.

People don’t look. They focus on what the television conveys, in the past the newspapers, now the Internet “news”.

It’s all the same game. I quote:

Israeli forces demolished the entire Bedouin community of Khirbet Humsah in the northern Jordan Valley, leaving 41 Palestinian children homeless just as winter storms spread through the West Bank.

As the world was engulfed in the unfolding US elections on November 3rd, Israel quietly demolished an entire Bedouin enclave in the northern Jordan Valley, leaving more than 70 Palestinians homeless just as temperatures started to drop in the occupied West Bank. 

At around 11am on Tuesday morning, the residents of Khirbet Husna were shocked to see a caravan of Israeli military jeeps, accompanied by a number of bulldozers and excavators, heading down the dirt pathway to their village. 

“The soldiers often come here to evacuate us when they have military training,” Fatima Abu Awwad told Mondoweiss, as she sat amidst the rubble of what was her home just 24 hours earlier. 

“But usually they give us a prior warning. This time, they came and told us to get out of our houses, they gave us just 10 minutes,” she said, adding that the soldiers were accompanied by dozens of workers from Israel’s Civil Administration, the agency responsible for enforcing things like home demolition in the West Bank. 

After what felt like mere seconds, as Abu Awwad and her husband tried to empty their home of all the belongings they could, the Israeli bulldozers began demolishing everything around them, as what she described as hundreds of soldiers and Civil Administration workers surrounded them. 

“They didn’t leave anything untouched,” Abu Awwad said. “Our homes, our livestock pens, our bathrooms, our water tanks, solar panels, everything. They destroyed everything.”

End of quote.

Few understand that the British Government (controlled by the Rothschilds since 1815 and their Jewish brethren since 1649), in essence, gave Palestine to the Rothschilds in 1917 (look up the Balfour declaration) in exchange for them bringing the United States into WWI, for which Bernard Baruch had been quietly planning in the background, as Henry Ford eloquently explained.

And the power lies where?

The evidence of how the world works is EVERYWHERE if you are willing to look beyond what the MSM is telling you or you were taught in school. Only when you begin to recognise what you were taught as a child was most if not entirely false can you begin to understand what is true.

Along with this, recognise that “Government” was not established for your protection or to serve you. It’s the dead opposite. You have been taught to trust endless lies.

You can only trust one thing: the truth of yourself. At least some of you receiving this will understand these words. May this number be growing.


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