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Confessions at Nuremberg were obtained under torture. The grimmest of these tortures, practiced mostly by Jewish operatives on their German prisoners of war, was testicle crushing.

“The Holocaust legend is built on ‘confessions’ obtained by the use of  torture.” So begins an article that has just been brought to my attention by an unknown emailer.

At the same time, by sheer coincidence, another correspondent has just sent me some stomach-churning details about testicle crushing. He ends his letter with these words : “This is what Jewish interrogators did to their German prisoners of war after WWII in order to get them to “sing”—i.e., to confess to crimes they never committed.”

I was a bit shocked by these words. To tell the truth, testicle crushing is not something I have thought about a great deal, nor do I wish to dwell too much on this distasteful subject. I am aware of course that a lot of testicle crushing went on at Nuremberg in order to wring confessions out of the prostrate Germans, but I had been unaware that American  Jews had been foremost in the ranks of these torturers.

Apparently, as many as three out four interrogators at Nuremberg had been Jewish—and these Jewish interrogators, I was to learn to my horror, had been by far the most sanguinary and sadistic. There was almost no level of human depravity to which these monsters were not willing to sink, including forcing their German victims to eat excrement and to have sex with disinterred corpses.  (See below)

Yes, so this is something we ought to bear in mind when watching all those Hollywood movies celebrating the heroic deeds of the Allies in World War Two and lamenting the horrors of the Holocaust : that Jewish interrogators, working for the Americans, are known to have beaten, tortured, and crushed the testicles of German defendants before charging them with war crimes at Nuremberg. Without these confessions, obtained under extreme torture, there is no solid proof that any Jewish Holocaust took place at all. There is only legend, hearsay and “eyewitness accounts” : like those of Elie Wiesel and his kind—accounts that have turned out, in retrospect, to be based on pure fantasy, fiction, and grotesque exaggeration.

End of quote.

Be clear this is not hearsay. It is documented:

It has since been openly admitted in the memoirs of the top British official, Colonel Alexander Scotland, who ran the interrogation program, that thousands of Germans were tortured by British Military Intelligence, under the direction of the Prisoner of War Interrogation Section (PWIS). This torture of German POWs occurred during the war to obtain military intelligence. After the war was over, it was used again in order to obtain confessions for convictions of “war crimes”.

End of quote.

On a related subject, I thought it was ironic listening to a Jewish gentleman a few days ago expounding on the demolition of the so-called Nuremberg defence of “just following orders” when I had recently watched this video I recently linked to of a Jewish American woman sharing her horrific experiences of Palestine and quoting Israeli soldiers saying EXACTLY THAT – we are just following orders. Life has a way of bringing humour and irony to the darkest of events.

Someday, perhaps, sufficient people of a thinking mind will see and hear the irrefutable scientific and other evidence that there were not 6M Jews killed in gas chambers and other ways under the Nazis in WWII. But, it seems the world is not ready for this truth to emerge.

And speaking of dark humour, this one always brings a wry smile:

6 million killed

And so it goes…

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