If we are to understand our world, it is essential we understand the forces that direct and control it.
I find this article to be one that begins to connect with this background. I say begin because there is a further layer, perhaps more, behind this that needs to be understood; but it is a step.
The term “Judeo-Masonic Plutocracy” has cradled all the 30’s far-right discourse, so it’s now an unusable phrase. Yet, it is enough to look at the claimed alliances currently in in the mondialist process to objectively determine that international finance, the Masonic networks and Zionism are openly working in concert to impose on us their unequal vision and domination.
For a long time I have suggested that there are no hidden conspiracies in the Jewish world – all is done in the open. I strongly suggest that instead of looking for conspiracies under the carpet, we learn to analyze mainstream news. Everything is there and in the open. In fact I argue that the real meaning of Jewish Power is the capacity to silence the discussion of Jewish power. To look for the ‘hidden agenda,’ in that context, is to surrender to Jewish power. We must do the opposite. Look into the work of George Soros, AIPAC, CRIF, CFI, Lord Levy, Wall Street, etc.
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