If you understand the game behind the game, you will know the satanic ones who run things from behind the scenes telegraph their plans, for whatever reason. These were everywhere before 9/11, when people with eyes to see went looking. Sadly, but unsurprisingly, Betsy McGee’s videos I linked to when I wrote that article in 2014 have disappeared from YouTube, along with so much else. However, some of her detective work still shows up at https://apocalypsenowmedia.com/9-11-conspiracy-facts/ . For the record, she showed how the 9/11 event was carefully encoded into updated US banknotes leading up to 9/11, how a fountain was repositioned in New York to be perfectly aligned with the central line through the WTC towers, and much more.
So, this understanding, for those with eyes to see, is important be alert to.
In the light of this, this video https://youtu.be/QRgPTz4yW9M, which analyses the December 2019 cover of The Economist, a Rothschild mouthpiece, predicting events in 2020, deserves your attention if you are open to this practice.
This is the cover they are discussing.
It’s not difficult to imagine this is encoded in some manner.
The more we understand this and reveal its agenda, the more difficult we make it for them to complete its implementation.
I encourage you to watch this video and to play a role by being aware of this agenda.
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