This week, the world’s largest general scientific society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, has issued an uncharacteristically blunt call to action on climate change.
Climate change has become deeply entrenched as a view, promoted so continuously that the truth is completely lost, and to oppose it is seen to be blindly irresponsible. There are many things like this in our world, but most don’t see them.
I share with you once more this simple graph, primarily showing ice core data from Vostok in Antarctica, augmented with more recent data.
Human-generated CO2 is NOT driving climate change.
Although not shown on this graph, it is found the CO2 concentration LAGS temperature by about 800 years.
The current temperature peak, which has actually peaked, is lower than the last three.
There is much talk about the continuing melt in the Arctic, but not a whimper about the INCREASING ice in the Antarctic.
Though this is difficult to prove, it is my view that our dark friends who now have the tools to control our planetary weather have been driving warm air into the Arctic during the most recent winter, which is why the continental US has been so cold this winter. They want to sustain the melting, so they can drive Agenda 21.
Be awake to these games. They are blatant when you look.
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