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Dr. David Martin was the key interviewee in Plandemic Indoctornation.

A brief bio on David:

“Until recently best known as the founder of M·CAM®, the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance, David E. Martin is a modern-day renaissance man, whose roles have included Professor, Lecturer, Chairman and CEO.

From the halls of parliament to HBO comedy and documentary films such as the internationally acclaimed and multi-awarded Patent Wars and Future Dreaming, Dr. Martin takes on some of the world’s most complex economic and social themes using solutions that he’s successfully deployed in his work with over 160 countries.”

David has degrees in both law and medicine.

I quote from this article:

“If Attorney General Barr was awake right now he would realize that they’ve handed him the case of a lifetime…[Fauci] has violated the Clayton Act of the United States.  Now, he may have a thousand reasons why he thinks it’s justified, but it isn’t. It’s a violation of the law.  He should be cuffed, he should be tried”, said David Martin on the David Knight Show.

Martin gave a detailed explanation of COVID-19’s history as a project funded by the NIH.  He described how research on it was continued even after doing so was made illegal.  Martin also states the ways Fauci violated antitrust laws and laundered money in the process of illegally developing it.

Many ethical and legal issues surround the NIH’s funding of “gain of function” research — bringing in deadly bacteria or viruses and making them more contagious and lethal — Knight pointed out the dangerous lapses that caused Congress to order NIH to cease the “research”.

NIH continued the prohibited research domestically and funded research at Wuhan.  The $3.7 million given to Wuhan was nothing compared to UNC-Chapel Hill.  Martin explained, “the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill ethics review board got together and said ‘yes, we think it’s ethical’, even though [Congress] had said it’s illegal, ‘we think it’s ethical to take a Chinese pathogen and come up with synthetic mutations of the Chinese pathogen called the Wuhan Institute of virology coronavirus-1’ in 2016.  You cannot look at that and say there’s anything but criminal intent because the government representing the people of the United States has said this is unethical.  We have said that we aren’t going to fund it.  We have said that this is a line we cannot cross.  And what does Fauci do?  He writes another check.”

“We’re not talking about $3.7 million laundered through eco-health alliance, because that was money laundering by the way, that’s what it is when you provide capital to a party who’s not the beneficiary of the capital.  Money laundering, wire fraud, how many things can we throw on this thing?  They knew they were doing it, and not only did they do it but they also got $1.7 billion per year, our taxpayer dollars.  $1.7 billion per year that was directed through NIAID to deal with bioterrorism and bio-hazard research…  The great thing about [this money] is that it goes through so many different affiliations that you can’t follow it.  But the best thing about that news is that if Attorney General Barr was awake right now he would realize that they’ve handed him the case of a lifetime,” continued Martin.

“I’m pointing out that it’s criminal — and once again let’s be precise — what’s the crime?  The crime is, by sitting on three boards and being the director of funds, [Fauci] has violated the Clayton Act of the United States.  Now, he may have a thousand reasons why he thinks it’s justified, but it isn’t. It’s a violation of the law.  He should be cuffed, he should be tried.”

“Somebody is using this criminal [Fauci] to act an unspeakable amount of terror on the US and the global population.  And they’re using him because they know he’s compromised.”

“The Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institute of Health, NIAID, and CDC are criminal colluding parties.  I’m saying that word, and that’s a heavy word, I’m not saying it lightly.  The interesting way I define criminal is if there is an explicit law that you are explicitly violating.  For me, that’s a crime.”

End of quote.

David pulls no punches and puts several more nails in the coffin of the notion that COVID-19 came from bats being sold in a wet market in Wuhan. He also reveals that a “foundation” connected to Facebook funded Event 201, the planning event run last October in preparation for the COVID-19 scamdemic, and many other threads connected to it.

You can watch this interview at this link (backup at this link).


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