Firstly, let me say that most of us really struggle with the idea that such an event could be falsified and all of the so-called leaders in our world would participate in it. Well, they have and they do, and it’s been going on for possibly centuries – certainly well over 100 years.
A little earlier I shared with you the incredulous take from Gordon Duff, who is a retired US marine and has been an intelligence analyst for decades and with a network to kill for. He provides a lot of evidence for his incredulity.
Now, another interesting piece of evidence has come across my desk – some analysis of the released footage of the police shooting. For me, the most telling piece is the mark on the road in front of the getaway car, so it knew where to park, but then when the gunmen come back, there are TWO marks on the road, the second in alignment with the LH front wheel of the car, which mysteriously appeared in the minute or so of the supposed shooting. So, it’s a movie we’re watching, made with the usual multiple takes. But, in truth, much of what are told is real is just a made-up movie. We just happen to be inside it, rather than watching it on a screen somewhere.
And the more people wake up to it – as they are – the less they will be able to pull this stuff off. But we are still in a place where too many good people take this stuff for real, and in so doing participate in the reduction of our sovereign rights and the extension of the degree of surveillance we are subjected to.
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