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January 2025



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What is interesting to me in this article is how it describes steps associated with Agenda 21.

According to Kevin Morse of The Nature Conservancy, one of the goals of the farm bill is to bring food production and conservation into harmony. After all, this is an ecology, you can’t affect one aspect of the environment without affecting others.

“We’ve got to find a way to harmonize our food production system with our conservation system, so we can feed people. And so we still have clean water for people to drink, and clean water to support our fisheries industry and our recreational industries,” says Morse.

One of the ways the farm bill does this is by setting aside easement land and habitat programs to protect wildlife and endangered species. Protecting waterways and streams is another.

The farm bill encourages this conservation by tying some of it to the availability of crop insurance. Farmers will need to make strides to conserve land and protect it from erosion if they want coverage.

Another incentive, farmers can be paid to not plant on certain sensitive landscapes, like where erosion is possible or where protected species may find refuge.

End of quote.

All of this looks innocent enough, unless you understand the bigger picture that these steps fit into – removing the small farmer, having large scale farming of GMO product in selected zones, and moving everyone else into tiny urban apartments. More on this shortly.

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Ed Snowden live at SXSW: 'Constitution being violated on massive scale'

Mon Mar 10 , 2014
This video is Edward Snowden’s Q&A with attendees of the SXSW conference today. Please follow and like us:
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