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April 2024



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The excellent video of the above title by Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers prompted me to write this.

In this recent presentation, Ben makes it very clear that the climate science conclusions are completely false, since they ignore major environmental climate factors and hence attribute their effects to human ones.

However, it is worth restating, as shown by the graph below, taken from this paper, that we have had no global warming for about 20 years.


Not what the MSM would have you believe.

And Ben’s presentation illustrates how egregiously distorted the usage of data has been in the climate modelling. I encourage you to watch it. IMO, it’s outstanding science, as Ben’s material is.

And few understand that the entire reason for this false climate picture is to justify Agenda 21, now called The 2030 Agenda, the hidden plan to herd people out of the countryside and into the cities.

James Corbett, in his usual thorough way, has explained all of this very well. This video is a good place to start, and I refer more broadly to his work on this in these articles.

These articles also include a discussion of the life of Maurice Strong, whose mission it was, as tasked by the global elite he served, to create the Agenda 21 scenario. Strong not only founded the IPCC, with its terms of reference to only consider human factors in global warming (and they find – what???), he also organised and opened the UN conference that began the Agenda 21 journey in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

And despite demonization by the global warming believers and apologists, Aussie Geology Professor Ian Plimer has written an excellent book and presented very eloquently showing global warming to be the nonsense it truly is.

So, thank you, Ben, for your outstanding presentation on the complete distortion of the underlying data used for climate modelling.


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