The UN plans to launch a brand new plan for managing the entire globe at the Sustainable Development Summit that it will be hosting from September 25th to September 27th. Some of the biggest names on the planet, including Pope Francis, will be speaking at this summit. This new sustainable agenda focuses on climate change of course, but it also specifically addresses topics such as economics, agriculture, education and gender equality. For those wishing to expand the scope of “global governance”, sustainable development is the perfect umbrella because just about all human activity affects the environment in some way. The phrase “for the good of the planet” can be used as an excuse to micromanage virtually every aspect of our lives. So for those that are concerned about the growing power of the United Nations, this summit in September is something to keep an eye on. Never before have I seen such an effort to promote a UN summit on the environment, and this new sustainable development agenda is literally a framework for managing the entire globe.
If you are not familiar with this new sustainable development agenda, the following is what the official United Nations website says about it…
The United Nations is now in the process of defining Sustainable Development Goals as part a new sustainable development agenda that must finish the job and leave no one behind. This agenda, to be launched at the Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, is currently being discussed at the UN General Assembly, where Member States and civil society are making contributions to the agenda.
The process of arriving at the post 2015 development agenda is Member State-led with broad participation from Major Groups and other civil society stakeholders. There have been numerous inputs to the agenda, notably a set of Sustainable Development Goals proposed by an open working group of the General Assembly, the report of an intergovernmental committee of experts on sustainable development financing, General Assembly dialogues on technology facilitation and many others.
End of quote.
Whilst we sleep…
To revisit Agenda 21:
Here is the Agenda 21 document from the 1992 Rio UN conference that set it up. Remember, you have to look behind the words of this type of document. They always sound well-meaning.
This document from the Natural Solutions Foundation explains what it means for humanity. This quote is on page 1 of this eBook:
Agenda 21 Ends all personal, private property: homes, cars, business, land
Agenda 21 Limits personal movement, professional choice, residence, education and healthcare
Agenda 21 Reduces available nutrient, calories, food choices, eliminates all personal rights
Nothing to worry about…
The article entitled Agenda 21: The Plan for a Global Fascist Dictatorship by Julian Websdale adds to the picture, and Rosa Koire makes it very clear in this video.
Like so many things in our world, the UN postures as being for the good of humanity and there are many well-meaning people working for it, but it is rotten to the core and created by the globalists who run our world.
And so, September will see this become a detailed global management plan.
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