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September 2024



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I found this article by Jack Speer-Williams very informative. Jack calls out the atrocities of the United States in WWII, but then looks below the surface to where this actually arose from and how it plays out in our world today. I quote:

In short, the tremendous death and destruction that continuously occurs around the world is always based on false premises that the bankers have forced on our leaders with campaign financing, blackmail, and assassinations – all by way of US intelligence services.

America has long been betrayed by the perfidy of her leaders and the psychopathy of the international bankers…

… The late great American author Eustace Mullins gives us the real reason President Harry S. Truman issued the Executive Order to atom bomb Japan, which would forever black mark America as a Nation of Infamy. In his work “The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb: Why Hiroshima was Destroyed,”

Mr. Mullins tells us of the cast of demons who ordered Truman to atom bomb Japan. The main drivers of this heinous, grossly reprehensible incineration and vaporization of innocent Japanese men, women, and children were the monsters of the International Monetary/Banking Cartel – primarily the House of Rothschild – and their chief US agent, Wall Street banker Bernard Baruch, along with his lackey J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the Los Alamos atomic bomb laboratories. (My emphasis)

It was the repugnant Oppenheimer (Dr. Strangelove in Dr. Strangelove) who gloried in such vile torture of children. After he heard about the horrible effects his bomb had caused in Hiroshima, Oppenheimer paraded around with his hands clenched above his head, like a prize-fighter who had just knocked out his opponent.

It was Oppenheimer who said, “I am Death, the Destroyer of worlds.”

It would be a pathetic fallacy to attribute human emotions or characteristics to these beasts of darkness; they are of another breed that knows no civilized breeding. These same half-breeds of Satan and man gave the Soviet Union, by way of US intelligence agents, the secrets to developing atomic bombs.

Then, they financed the “arms race” during the Cold War, which has resulted (in descending order of atomic magnitude) in Great Britain, France, Israel, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea all developing nuclear weapons.

It is also this same cabal that now wants the US and/or Israel to destroy Iran with nuclear bombs.

It is the Monetary/Banking Cartel, with its International Monetary Fund and World Bank that has fostered the anthropogenic global warming hoax to advance their Agenda 21 plans and to further enrich themselves at our expense.

It’s this same clique of ghouls who financed the mass production of the so-called “depleted” uranium (DU) that – in fact – will deplete to half-life in about 4.47 billion years, once discharged and aerosolized from weaponry.

There is absolutely nothing depleted about DU munitions, and it is more accurately called Deplet-ING Uranium, which will continue to deplete for billions of years. That is a B as in Billion. Clearly, the word “depleted” is a planned and purposely used misnomer.

Please understand, this Cartel and their minions in government, science, and the mass media care not a whit about our environment, as is well proven by their silence regarding the aerosolization of thousands of tons of deadly DU (depleting uranium) from the Balkans, to the Middle East, to the rest of the world, with their god-less wars of aggression.

When have our presidential candidates ever spoken out against our illegal use of DU that is poisoning all human and animal (and even marine) life around the world? Who has told us the ugly truth about DU munitions? Who has told us that the DU munitions, expended by US, UK, and Israeli troops in the Middle East, are now poisoning our entire world? Certainly not our presidents. Where have the mainstream political pundits been who should be pointing out how we have put our own young men and women, serving in war zones, among the walking dead?

Our treacherous and traitorous leaders of government and the mouth-pieces of the corporate media have all been muzzled regarding the dangers of DU, chemtrails, GMO crops, fluoride, aspartame, television, Wi-Fi technology, pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, psychotropics, CAT scans, naked body scanners, lab-created viruses, ethno-specific bio-weapons, HAARP, EM fields, black magic, pornography, perverted sex, and transhumanism, all of which form formidable barriers between one’s consciousness and the intuitive truth and light within one’s soul.

End of quote.

Jack is also joining the dots in our world. I commend Jack’s article to you.

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Mon Feb 16 , 2015
In my post on Randal Carlson yesterday, I meant to include this video. It adds to what the others cover. I also mentioned the work […]
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