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July 2024



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Many of you won’t even look at this evidence because your beliefs have locked in place the notion of anthropogenic global warming, so effective is the propaganda machine on this and many other subjects.

But the evidence is undeniable. Not long ago, the alarmists were telling us there’d be no Arctic sea ice around the year 2000 or so. Well, it sure has not turned out that way. This brief daily update from Suspicious Observers gives you the current data, along with a solar and planetary weather update. To look specifically at the polar ice data segment, use this link. Or you can track it daily for yourself here.

In summary, the Antarctic ice is just below the records set last year, whilst the Arctic has shown a rapid recovery from a low at the end of May to showing levels not seen for a decade in June. In my opinion, the Arctic low we saw was induced by human intervention (remember the powerful cold flows out of the North into the US and Europe at that time, producing record cold records in parts of the US and over 8 feet of snow in the North East, whilst Alaska had to move their annual dogsled race north because of a lack of snow…), but the overall forces at work are far too great for the global game players to control.

This is an interesting factor to monitor, since the reflectivity of the polar ice is a major climate factor. More polar ice and the planet is cooler. And Antarctica holds about 90% of the world’s ice, dwarfing anything else. So, if that’s expanding, it’s not to be ignored.

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