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July 2024



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Further to my post of yesterday, just as I predicted, the Labor “Opposition” passed the legislation with nary a murmur, despite its incredibly draconian consequences for free speech in Australia. Truly breathtaking. Yet no surprise when you understand the game behind the game. It all fits perfectly. But if you don’t understand the chessboard, you will never recognise the pieces for what they are.

But Australians were going to be beheaded. We have to be protected. I saw it on television and read it in the newspapers. Thank you, big daddy Tony (Abbott) for saving us from those terrible Muslims…

Such a perfect example of the Hegelian Dialectic at work in our world.

And overnight, some people, especially overseas journalists have begun to see what has been done, though they don’t understand the chessboard, either.

This article by Ben Grubb provides a good summary of the consequences:

Australian spies will soon have the power to monitor the entire Australian internet with just one warrant, and journalists and whistleblowers will face up to 10 years’ jail for disclosing classified information.

Any operation can be declared “special” and doing so gives ASIO criminal and civil immunity. Many, including lawyers and academics, have said they fear the agency will abuse this power.

Attorney-General George Brandis did not seek to allay their concerns on Thursday but said in a “newly dangerous age” it was vital that those protecting Australia were equipped with the powers and capabilities they needed.

Incredible. Draconian. It places Government actions above the law, and no-one is allowed to comment. Of course, such legislation has been in place in the United States since 1947 with the National Security Act, which was further reinforced by the 2001 Patriot Act, but most don’t even know or understand, unless they have run into it. American politicians and their minions have been hiding their heinous crimes behind the veil of National Security since 1947. But the Australian version has been beefed up to close the door on future Snowdens and their cooperating journalists, as well the NSA-related activities, where everyone’s information is tracked, to protect us from terrorism, that false bogeyman created by the US and others.

And in case you think I’m imagining it all when I say that the US created ISIL, you may like to listen to Bill Engdahl’s view or President Rouhani of Iran at UN General Assembly in the last day or this former CIA contractor.

Are you ready to look for the theatre exits, yet?

But some are waking up, and I want to share with you a little of the dark Internet humour about this that has come my way in just the last 24 hours. It demonstrates there are those in the world who understand what is happening, at least in part.


  1. Bomb a country
  2. Bomb radicals created by bombing that country.
  3. Bomb radicals created by bombing 1st radicals.
  4. Repeat! #EndlessWar





US riding on an Arab.JPG (881×579)


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