The pieces are falling into place for the new global currency, forecast for 2018 in The Economist 30 years ago.
And it’s a blockchain version of the IMF global reserve currency, the Special Drawing Right, or SDR. I discussed the SDR in detail about a year ago.
In that article, I mentioned that Jim Rickards saw the SDR as the new global currency, but what was not obvious was how that would be implemented.
Now we know. It will be blockchain.
In this video, ITM Trading’s Lynette Zang reveals her research that shows the elite’s plans to put EVERYTHING on blockchain, including the digitised title of all real estate and linking it to credit, so people are encouraged to fritter their assets away, leaving all assets in the hands of the elite.
Lynette discusses this further on the SGT Report video entitled BREAKING: BANKERS’ NEW SDR CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN WILL ENSLAVE HUMANITY?? – Lynette Zang.
I share Lynette’s view that we need to understand it and act to stop it, however we can. Widespread exposure is a start.
And Dahboo7 has woken up to it, as he expresses in his impassioned video It Begins: The Blockchain Beast System Is Here .
And he, like me as I look at it, believe that Bitcoin was their creation, not some unknown techie. It has been a stalking horse for their plans, and Lynette Zang’s material from the IMF shows Bitcoin as a feeder into the new crypto SDR.
I encourage you to watch all three videos and spread this message far and wide, and as Dahboo7 says, be prepared.
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