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July 2024



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In the last few days, two different threads have come across my desk.

The first was about the impact of wifi networks. Barrie Trower is a former British Navy microwave weapons researcher who was interviewed by Richie Allen last week on the effects that wifi networks are having on us – and it’s not pretty. Moreover, he says that the effects are well understood. In September 2013, Trower released a paper entitled Wi-Fi – A Thalidomide in the Making. Who Cares? The abstract reads:

As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-Fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, foetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations.

The paper goes on to say:

The shocking truth is, not only was all of this known and documented long before wi-fi was ever put in front of children, but the dangerous biological effects were concealed (as they are to this day) from the general public, in order to protect the industries profit.

This paper presents further evidence from Thrower and he claims it has been successfully used in court action on the subject and focuses on cell phone towers.

The second was a similarly damning documentary, shared by Kimberly and Foster Gamble of Thrive on the impact of cell phones on our health, called Mobilize.  The key area though by no means the only area of concern is the risk of cancer, either brain cancer in the area near where the phone has been held to the ear over many years, or women where they have placed the phone under their bra strap, triggering breast cancer. In one case, a low risk Asian woman experienced a pattern of breast tumours which mapped quite closely where she had kept her phone. Of course the industry does not want to know and we have the usual mismatch with industry studies showing no risk and independent studies telling a completely different story.

And one of the most concerning aspects is the rapid increase in the use of cell phones by young children, who are at a much higher risk of being injured. Indeed, under the age of 21 there appears to be a much higher risk of injury. It seems that in the cell phone case, good practice can dramatically lower the risk, but with a cone of silence imposed by the industry, that knowledge is hidden.

I recommend you examine both of these and draw your own conclusions for your own health and that of your family.

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