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July 2024



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Thank you, Sean, for this article.

Just months before the massive United Nations “Climate Change” summit hosted by the French government is set to take place in Paris, France’s top meteorologist is blowing the whistle on the hysteria surrounding alleged man-made global-warming theories. Blasting the UN’s controversial climate agenda and the corruption of science to serve radical political goals, chief weatherman Philippe Verdier (shown) with state-funded broadcasting giant France Televisions said the world had been taken “hostage” by misleading data peddled by politicians and climatologists. He also touted the benefits of climate change, especially to France, and blasted “renewable energy.” In response, his employer — essentially, the French government — promptly took the climate heretic off the air and put him on “forced holiday,” ironically, confirming a key thesis of his book. The devastating blow dealt by Verdier to climate hysteria in France, though, may be impossible for the nation’s Socialist Party rulers and media apparatchiks to repair before the UN climate summit. And he may not be the last whistleblower waiting to expose the fraud before the Paris confab.

Verdier is France Televisions chief of meteorology and the nation’s most famous weatherman, providing nightly forecasts to millions of viewers. Everything was fine until he ventured into what might come in the decades and centuries ahead. In a new book, dubbed Climat Investigation, or Climate Investigation in English, Verdier lambasted the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), saying its climatologists and political backers have “taken the world hostage” with misleading or downright inaccurate data. The revelations took France by storm, sparking furious outrage by politicians, Big Labor, climate alarmists, and establishment media outlets. Within days, the scandal went global, with the U.K. Telegraph and media outlets across Europe picking up the story. The news is especially explosive because it comes less than two months before the start of a massive UN climate summit in Paris where the UN, its member regimes, and establishment interests hope to approve a sweeping global-warming regime to ration energy use and re-engineer civilization under the guise of saving humanity from itself.

End of quote.

I was once told by a TV weatherman that most media weather people do not accept the global warming hypothesis. In his case, he had shared his opinion about it in another forum. Lo and behold, the thought police turned up at his work and demanded from his boss’s boss that he be dismissed and came with the resume of someone to replace him who would toe the line. They brought with them copies of, as I understood it,  everything he had ever expressed in any forum over the last several years. Fortunately in this case, he survived the onslaught after agreeing to keep his opinions to himself.

So, this outburst and the response is of no surprise to me whatsoever.

And if you think this was an isolated incident, think again. In this wonderful presentation by Ralph Ring, you will hear him tell how the “Men In Black” would turn up at a critical juncture and confiscate his antigravity spacecraft and other technology, which was based upon the work of Nikola Tesla. As is so often the case, movies are about hiding the truth in plain sight or foretelling events that will unfold.

As I have often said, our world is not as it seems.

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