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October 2024



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Truthseeker on RT shows how the so-called NGO’s, which present themselves as vehicles for peace, democracy and human rights have been used as vehicles for the fostering of extremist sentiment and persecution of the general population, not only in the Ukraine but elsewhere; how they have been either set up from the beginning as vehicles for American or pro-Western propaganda, or infiltrated by those interests once they are up and running.

I have mentioned before how the notion of democracy and human rights have been promoted since at least WWII for American hegemony under the ironic name “Pax Americana”, and it continues to this day. It’s like the so-called free trade agreements that are negotiated around the world, when the last thing they are about is free trade.

As I shared previously, the last key Truthseeker report, on 9/11, was removed from Google and YouTube searches as it began to go viral. Perhaps this one is not so controversial that it will suffer that hidden censorship.

Another interesting view of the Ukrainian events is provided by SyrianGirl, reminding us that Crimea should really be considered part of Russia, and pointing up the hypocrisy of America’s position. Not difficult to do, but elegantly and powerfully delivered.

Finally, Gordon Duff shares with us why he considers there is no muscle in the Ukrainian threats, given the self-interest of the United States and Germany in particular.

In the end, all good sabre-rattling to keep us in fear, and an exercise in giving the far right the opportunity to publicly flex their fascist muscles, rather than being more carefully hidden as it is in the United States. A police state achieved by stealth is still a police state, and this is the preferred mode of implementation in the Western world.

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