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November 2024



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If the idea that we are passing through a critical time of transition in our world resonates with you, read on. If not…

If you have been following my writings for some time, you will know that my personal experience has indicated to me that humanity and all life on Earth is going through a critical transition. Exactly how that is unfolding and what it looks like, I cannot say.  Some of you will know that I had come to understand that the December Solstice of 2012 would be a critical date in all of this; however, whilst there is evidence that it fulfilled a role, little obviously changed.

In a way, what is being discussed in this video is similar to those expectations; just offset by eight years. And so, is this event at Uluru as significant as Steven and Evan Strong believe? I cannot say; however, I intend to personally act in support of this moment, regardless of the ultimate significance it carries.

As is discussed in this video, efforts to destroy the Original culture and people of Australia, along with similar cultures across the world, has been an unspoken but very powerful agenda for the last several hundred years. And on the surface, it has been quite effective, since the populations of most indigenous groups across the world have been dramatically decimated. However, contrary to this seeming evidence of “success”, I have come to understand that, in many countries, the remaining few continue to carry the knowledge that these efforts have sought to destroy. For example, I have seen evidence that the knowledge of the method by which the pyramids of Egypt were actually constructed, which has nothing to do with the story we are told about slaves and rolling large stones, and so on, is still held by key individuals. Similarly, my own enquiries and observations strongly indicate that the same is true in Australia, and in other locations around the world.

And so, I am intrigued by what is expressed in this video and I have great respect for Steven and Evan Strong, having read some of their books and met them on occasion.

And so, I make you aware of this sacred event, timed to be just after the Solstice in December of this year and, as Steven describes, at the time of a planetary alignment, so that you can choose whether you wish to participate, at the very least in honour of the beautiful people who have shared this knowledge with us.


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A History of Climate Fraud

Thu Oct 8 , 2020
I remember when Al Gore’s “an inconvenient truth” came out in 2006, I believed it was for real. It was a few years before I […]
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