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July 2024



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Here is a self-introduction to Dr. Lanctôt from this interview:

Guylaine Lanctôt: As a medical doctor, I practiced medicine for over 20 years in different countries. I went to different provinces in Canada, and I lived in the U.S. for 6 years. I got to know the medical system. I was questioning, “Why is everything so expensive? Why are we getting sicker and sicker and health care is getting more and more expensive, and everybody’s unhappy?” I realized that different systems are totally alike. They have different names but, whether they are a capitalist system, like we have in the U.S., or socialized, like in France, or in between, like in Canada, the bottom line is that the medical systems are all alike. They all serve financiers and not the people. That’s the basic thing. The bottom line is that the medical systems are controlled by financiers in order to serve financiers. Since you cannot serve people unless they get sick, the whole medical system is designed to make people sicker and sicker. When I realized this, I had the choice either to obey the medical authorities and keep my mouth shut or to obey my conscious and speak out. I made a decision to obey my conscious, knowing what the punishments were when one doesn’t obey the system. So, I wrote the book The Medical Mafia: How to Get Out of It Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth. Now, the book is not a denunciation of medicine even though the title may lead you to think that. It’s a book that explains how the system works. If we don’t know how it works, we can’t understand anything. It’s so complicated, we think we’re never going to understand it, so, we raise our arms and give up. The medical system is meant to be complicated. I decided to identify the real players, and I’ll show the public where each player stands and how the game is played. This is the first part of my book, explaining how the system works. Next, what are we going to do? I’m a person who likes to come up with solutions, otherwise there is no point complaining. We need a solution.

In this recent interview, Ghis shares her current views of the reality in which we find ourselves and the choices we are faced with. They run very close to my own.

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