As we know, it seems only one Jew was killed on 9/11, and that was because the poor dumb schmuck was an Israeli making a sales call. Everyone else was warned to not be there.
Indeed Senator Al Franken Admits Being Warned About 9/11 Beforehand . In his 2003 book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, told us that he received a call from the former mayor of New York, Ed Koch, warning him not to go to his office in the World Trade Center on 9/11, using the Hebrew calendar as a reference for the date, which was September 11, 2001.
Franken refers to this warning call as the “Jew call.”
“Al”, he told me, “don’t go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul.”
Interestingly, Mehran Keshe had a Jewish cousin who worked in the WTC and who was similarly warned.
In a follow up to his warning of September 8th, Keshe announced on Thursday (22nd) that the Jews of Europe and the US have been warned to stay out of the major city centers over the coming days as we approach the Jewish New Year and the Shemitah date of October 2nd.
I encourage you to spread this knowledge far and wide.
If there is enough exposure, perhaps we can prevent these planned events designed to trigger war between Muslims and Christians.
As I’ve said previously, these plans go back hundreds of years.
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