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July 2024



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I want to draw together the picture that I see regarding the so-called Paris shootings and their aftermath. I have already shared with you some examples of the evidence that this event was a false flag event. Let’s briefly revisit this.

Firstly, let me say that YouTube has been working overtime to remove most of the videos that have revealed exactly what occurred. We shouldn’t be surprised.

This summary from Gordon Duff covers most of the issues, including a brief video of an AK47 being fired at a watermelon. Enough said.

A very funny video of a supposed dead policeman taking a selfie when he thought he was hidden behind a car has disappeared. A pity I didn’t grab it. It was hysterical.

Then we have this article with more evidence. The one undeniable element here is the second alignment line with the left front wheel that appeared whilst the gunmen were supposedly shooting the police. You need the HD original video here to see it clearly.

This video analyses the so-called shooting in some detail, including the ridiculous stories about the supposed terrorists. And this little video just gets it.

So, that this was a false flag event is not open to question. And no-one that is either listening to the media or the Internet can fail to see and hear the huge outcry about this apparent outrage. And within a day or two there were stories and opinion pieces and follow up actions based upon the so-called truth that move the world so far on from the false event, the average person has no clue what occurred, nor would they even contemplate that they’ve been conned. We saw it at 9/11, at Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombings, etc. All false flags and now very well documented proof thereof.

Even so, many people that, today, I had hoped would begin to see through this game are like deer in the headlights, and if they don’t wake up they are about to get run over. Again.

I had before now not heard of this guy who calls himself redsilverj (thanks, Molly), but in my view this video does just an outstanding job of placing this event in its context. It runs just over half an hour, but if you want to grasp the issues, it is a small investment to make. Redsilverj explains how this is really France’s 9/11 and how it is advancing the New World Order agenda.

Here is a wonderful piece by Claudio, one of the Internet’s freedom fighters, he has called Manipulation of Terror – and yet he doesn’t even get the false flag bit. And he wrote it before he heard David Cameron’s announcement that he wants to ban encryption. In the name of terrorism, of course.

And a couple of tweets I saw in response to this announcement that I have to share:


ISIS guy 1: I know, let’s use cryptography to hide our messages!
ISIS guy 2: We can’t, it’s against the law in the UK.
ISIS guy 1: Oh, OK.


NK hacks Sony for a movie. Charlie Hebdo attacked by terrorists. UK wants to ban encryption. Go home reality, you are drunk.


And reality is drunk. On fear and belief in what the media and so-called world leaders pour forth.

Add to this we can add the public announcement that the so-called Five Eyes partners are to meet in London on January 22nd. “We’re going to have a meeting with our Five Eyes allies in London and this is serious stuff. Terrorism will be there” on the agenda, Blaney told CTV television.

So, we have a high level of anti-Muslim hysteria cranked up, effectively martial law in France, Cameron announcing plans to legislate against encryption, which impacts you and me and also makes effective journalism impossible, and the supposedly secret Five Eyes partners publicly announcing their plans to crank up their agenda against terrorism (which they invented along with Israel on command from the guys behind the scenes). Not bad, so far.

Do you see how this stuff works? Are people going to say enough is enough? Know that if the goons that run our world behind the scenes (more about this in coming days) get away with this in Britain, it will soon get rolled out across the planet. No encryption. Ohh… it’ll be OK if you’re talking to your bank, of course. But no PGP, no Tor, no Signal, etc. All dead and true journalism along with it.

I’m drawn to share with you this post from a programmer who’s right now attending Moxie Marlinspike’s Winter Break of Code in Hawaii, working on improvements to Signal, TextSecure, RedPhone, etc. It’s so full of the uncompromised optimism and joy of youth, working on something that he knows is making a difference to people’s privacy, giving freely of his time to a project that is given free of charge to the world. And this stuff is at the heart of what Cameron’s legislation is about, because the spooks can’t snoop on it. Ever. It uses great encryption, but it’s like ethereal summer breeze, wisping in and gone.

These goons who we saw linking arms in so-called solidarity are the scum of the Earth. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be allowed to have those roles (more on this, soon, too). They’re all just part of the puppet show we are persuaded by the mainstream media to be real. And they will continue to step forward unless we stop them.

As I contemplate this, I’m reminded of the story Dr. Rima Laibow shared in her interview with Kate Johnston. She demonstrated what can be done through the mobilisation of a protest against a plan to vaccinate all American citizens in response to the Level 6 global swine flu pandemic that was declared in June 2009, a vaccination which was designed to cause all Americans to be infertile, amongst other conditions. Rima organised a protest that stopped this plan in its tracks. Listen to her story about this. You need to understand how sinister these people are. Within 11 days, 3 1/2 million emails flooded the inboxes of government and it was stopped. Rima has provided us with a leadership example and shown that it works. Indeed, if you haven’t watched the entire interview, I commend it.

Now, whilst this issue is not a life and death one, Cameron’s proposed encryption ban is the first step down the road of ensuring none of us can keep anything private from their prying eyes. And THEY HAVE NO DAMNED RIGHT to do this, and Rima’s example is one that those of you in Britain can act upon, in your own interest and in the interests of the rest of the world.

Take action, and stop these goons in their tracks while the rest of us tap a few more people on the shoulder and show them what’s going on.

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