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When articles about Peter Sutherland kept appearing in my email, I just could not ignore them.

I knew little about Sutherland, but it’s not hard to join the dots. He reminds me of Maurice Strong, but he is more “mainstream”.

Let’s start with this article from yesterday:

If ever there was an internationalist tour de force on steroids salivating as he anticipates the total ethnic destruction of Europe and the West to pave the way for the globalists’ wet dream utopia, it is surely Peter Denis Sutherland, a 69 year-old Irish international businessman.

His resumé in serving in a whole host of business and political roles, much of them revolving around globalization, is virtually too vast to list. Only a fairly brief summary can be given.

To begin with, he is credited with being “the father of globalization”. How’s that for starters?

And how predictable that he should be a staunch advocate of liberal immigration policies and mass immigration into the European Union, arguing that opposition to mass immigration and globalisation is “morally indefensible”.

Earlier this year, Sutherland was trotting out the same old wearisome, cliched rhetoric we’ve all heard from other Europe-destroyers about Europe not taking in enough immigrants.

In summary, the man has “white genocide” written all over him.

End of quote.

Then this one:

The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, the UN’s special representative for migration has said.

Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.

He also suggested the UK government’s immigration policy had no basis in international law.

He was being quizzed by the Lords EU home affairs sub-committee which is investigating global migration.

Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the  Global Forum on Migration and Development , which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a “crucial dynamic for economic growth” in some EU nations “however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states”.

‘More open’

An ageing or declining native population in countries like Germany or southern EU states was the “key argument and, I hesitate to the use word because people have attacked it, for the development of multicultural states”, he added.

“It’s impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the other argument can survive because states have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them. Just as the United Kingdom has demonstrated.”

End of quote.

Sounds like the multiculturalism excuse for flooding Europe with refugees to you? It does to me, too.

So, what are some of his other connections? This from his own website:

Peter Sutherland is an Irish international businessman and former Attorney General of Ireland, associated with the Fine Gael party.  He is a barrister by profession and is a Senior Counsel of the Irish Bar.  He is also known for serving in a variety of international organisations, political and business roles. Mr. Sutherland is United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General for Migration and Development. He has held this position since 2006 and was responsible for the creation of the Global Forum on Migration and Development. He is President of the International Catholic Migration Commission and a member of the Migration Advisory Board of the International Organisation for Migration.

End of quote. You can read his laundry list of roles, honorary degrees and all the rest for yourself.

But he has a couple of roles listed on that page that I find most interesting:

Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission

Sits on the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group

Director General of The World Trade Organisation, formerly GATT

And there are others, but these show you this man is a serious insider for the global elite and will be peddling their agenda. He was seriously bought and paid for (if that was needed) a long time ago.

Here are the views of a fellow Irishman from 2012 entitled Sutherland’s Faustian Pact:

I’ve often wondered about the meteoric rise of Peter Sutherland. Now don’t get me wrong. He is an impressive guy. But really, his rise doesn’t make sense to me.  Well, unless of course you factor in some very powerful assistance from the kind of people we talk about here.  The shadowy figures behind the curtain.

Suds, as he’s known, began as a barrister in Dublin, where he stood for, and failed to achieve, elective office.  Nonetheless he was appointed Attorney General in Garret FitzGerald’s first government. From there he was rapidly appointed (a political appointment) to the  EU Commission. It was when he left that post that things really started to go stratospheric. In short order he became Chairman of BP, of one of the world’s largest companies and Chairman of Goldman Sachs International. Now, for a guy who never worked a day in his life in a normal job, that’s some going, isn’t it? And he’s gone from strength to strength from even those lofty posts. He’s on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group and  Chairman of the Trilateral Commission.

All I can say is, he must have sold his soul in a way that would make Mephistotopheles whoop with glee.  He made some Faustian Pact along the way.

We’re told that he’s done wonderful things for Ireland, including paying for the Sutherland School of Law building at UCD (with his name plastered all over it). He wasn’t much help at all though when he was needed most, on that terrible night in September 2008. Future historians will mark it as the day an incompetent government, flailing around for a solution to the banking crisis, dumped all the banks’ debt on the Irish taxpayer, rather than allowing the unsecured bond-holders take the hit. Suds got quickly involved. He sternly warned the credulous oafs in the Government that applying a haircut to the bondholders would forever consign Ireland to the status of financial pariah. “It simply is not an option to choose”  he intoned.

And Ireland, doing very nicely up till then, agreed to underwrite all the banksters’ debts, thereby consigning us to austerity into the foreseeable future.  And of course as every schoolboy knows, defaults or haircuts can and do get forgiven all the time, with the defaulters coming back to the markets after a short period in purdah.  As I pointed out here, this isn’t the first time Suds has been spectacularly wrong.  But hey!, when did that ever make a difference. Meanwhile, with his multiple passports and tax exile status, the multi-millionaire (billionaire?) continues to soak the Irish taxpayer in the form of his generous index-linked AG pension.

Now as many of you have noted, he’s at it again. In his latest gig as the UN’s special representative for migration he insists that the EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states. . Er, Suds, it’s already doing that my boy.  To the best of its ability.  Been doing it for decades in fact.  Mass immigration, we learn from Suds,  represents a “crucial dynamic for economic growth, however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states.”  Amazing.  So engulfing Europe with untold millions of illiterate Africans and mad-eyed Muslims is essential to our prosperity.  Who could have imagined?

What a whore.  What a fat, guzzling, grasping unprincipled whore.

End of quote.

No love lost there.

And it’s hard to check his genealogy, which always make me suspicious. He’s listed as Irish.


But we can see he’s a serious globalist, for whom the path has been well greased. Blessed from a young age.

And getting an article in the Jewish Business News is a pointer to consider…

Just the man we should rely upon for counsel on European immigration, refugee issues and multiculturalism, wouldn’t you say?

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