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July 2024



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Thank you, Graham.

Rupert Sheldrake has recently set up his own YouTube channel, and amongst the videos loaded there is his banned talk from the TEDx Whitechapel event. Rupert’s presentation and that of Graham Hancock at the same event were banished from the recordings of the event for being “unscientific”.

In my view, there are few more truly scientific scientists than Rupert Sheldrake. Rupert recognises a phenomenon in our world that few acknowledge. Let me quote from his presentation:

“There is a conflict in the heart of science between science as a method of enquiry based upon reason, evidence, hypothesis and collective investigation, and science as a belief system or worldview. And unfortunately the worldview aspect of science has come to inhibit and constrict the free enquiry, which is the very lifeblood of the scientific endeavour.”

In my own experience, few that have been trained scientifically and live in a world which, for them, is financed by a career based upon that scientific training, understand what Rupert is expressing here. Moreover, it is clear to me that this scientific worldview, which essentially holds that the only thing which exists is this temporal experience, has been carefully and thoroughly hijacked, like so many practices and traditions in our world.

For example, most would dismiss studies which apply rigorously the scientific process to the understanding of what this scientific worldview would consider the paranormal, which is something that Rupert himself has done, since they stray outside this scientific worldview based completely on the temporal. Another important example is Dean Radin.

Apart from dismissing this profound work, what this world view model has also been subject to is, in many cases, a compromising of the scientific method of enquiry to produce falsified or compromised results which support the desired outcomes of particular vested interests. In my view, this is in no manner by accident.

And so, for me, the way that Rupert holds up to the light so many sacred cows (one being the speed of light) in this presentation reflects the very essence of the scientific process, and in threatening these sacred cows, the banning of his presentation is entirely consistent with the imposition of this scientific worldview model, which so many people have come to treat like a religion.

I encourage you to watch Rupert’s outstanding presentation.

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