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January 2025



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We continue to hear from time to time about projects that are set up to see if there is life elsewhere in the cosmos. Such projects are part of the carefully constructed smokescreen to hide from the public the very detailed knowledge about and the interaction humanity has with beings and civilisations from other parts of the cosmos. There are literally hundreds of pieces of evidence I could give you but, for me, there is nothing more powerful nor comprehensive than the briefing organised by Dr. Steven Greer and given to the National Press Club in Washington DC on May 9, 2001. That’s 12 ½ years ago. Did you ever hear about this briefing? Of course not.

Put aside a couple of hours and watch this video of the press conference. As you will see, this video has been on YouTube since at least February 2006. It shares testimony from people who have been in positions of authority and responsibility where the presence and the activities of UFO’s has been witnessed in their line of duty, for the most part. These are credible witnesses by any measure.

Why is this truth suppressed?

In my view, it’s yet another tentacle of that octopus. If you want to hold the story in place that humanity emerged from primordial slime, lived in caves 10,000 or so years ago and there will be nothing left when we die, then you cannot acknowledge the abundant forms of advanced life elsewhere in the cosmos, nor humanity’s extensive interaction with them. There are some secondary reasons, including the following:

  • If the technologies that have been sourced from contact with these beings and craft were released to the public, control of us through energy consumption, food supply, the threat of global warming, etc. would be lost
  • It would be difficult to sustain the war mongering between different elements of humanity in the face of this knowledge
  • It would risk a public outcry against the weaponising of space, as mentioned by Dr. Greer and discussed by Dr Carol Rosin
  • It would remove this layer of potential false threats to humanity, as also discussed by Dr Carol Rosin

Why does the mainstream press not talk about it, given this was delivered at a major press conference, and this video has been available on YouTube since at least 2006?

If you have not yet understood that the mainstream press is one of the arms of suppression and control on the planet whilst posturing as a purveyor of truth, then take that understanding from this situation. It was also powerfully illustrated by the actions of the global press in the events of 9/11, from being the vehicle by which to create the trauma in the minds of humanity across the globe within which to then plant the false messages about what happened that day, down to the undeniable fact that the BBC and at least one other news outlet announced the collapse of WTC building 7 more than 20 minutes before it collapsed, proving that they had foreknowledge of the event.

Whilst most of the human contact with other beings appears to have been benevolent, it is not so in all cases. The semi-fictional “Sands of Time” recounts a story that is far from benevolent. It’s also quite a riveting read.

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