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July 2024



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My starting point when looking at an event like this is to look behind the public story being put out.

So what data do we have?

Firstly we know there is an ongoing campaign to remove guns from the hands of the American public. It is one of several threads in play in the Sandy Hook and Boston marathon false flag events and, in my view, underpins all of the growing spate of shootings in the United States.

Returning briefly to my post on this yesterday, I’m not yet convinced that this was part of what unfolded here, though it may be a piece of the puzzle and it has been strengthened today by evidence that there was recruiting conducted on Craig’s List for people to participate in such an event, though the timing is off by a couple of weeks.

What particularly has my attention is Lopez’s reported ongoing mental health issues, his use of psychiatric drugs and perhaps most significantly, those who spoke with him earlier in the day found him to be perfectly normal, and his behaviour and actions were completely out of character with him conducting this shooting. Moreover, if you examine the footage of his actions, they were not the actions of a man acting in a crazed manner. You can see and hear all of this in this CNN snippet.

The use of mind control is far more widespread in the world, and in the United States in particular, than the public has a clue about, and Lopez’s circumstances and behaviours are classic. The man is behaving perfectly normally and rationally, and then perhaps in response to a word or phrase or hand signal or phone call tone, a pre-programmed “alter” is triggered that calmly conducts the shooting, including his own suicide.

Add to this his recent private purchase of the handgun used in the shooting and we have the pieces in place to create another brick in the house being built to remove guns from the hands of the American public.

Understand that I’m not a gun advocate, but the public needs to be able to protect themselves from the growing domestic army that does not have the public’s interest at heart.

The behaviour and circumstances of Ivan Lopez took me back to the Port Arthur, Tasmania massacre that I have referred to previously, supposedly conducted by Martin Bryant acting alone (which was clearly not possible). The massacre was used to remove guns from the hands of the public in Australia. One event like this was enough in Australia, but not in the United States. Moreover, the profile for Lopez and Bryant are very similar from a mental health perspective.

So we shall see how this unfolds.

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