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July 2024



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Another insightful article by Jack Speer-Williams:

The Zionists are controlled by a dark force that has a mentality which is intelligent, but totally bereft of wisdom, compassion, or empathy. And since such an intellect is unfathomable to most human minds, I know of no one who can give us all the reasons for Zionism bringing Adolf Hitler to power and then financing the German Nazi war machine. But the fact that it was done is clearly provable. (My emphasis)
The financing of Hitler and his war powers was largely handled by the old Max/Paul Warburg controlled Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam (all Zionists) and the Schroeder Bank of Frankfort, London, and New York (all Zionists).
Zionist bankers were even directors of I.G. Farben, the gigantic German chemical firm that produced Zyklon B gas used in Nazi extermination camps. During the massive fire-bombing of almost all of Germany and many of its innocent citizens, the Farben facilities were carefully spared. One used to be able to go onto the Internet and see aerial photographs of the I.G. Farben plants left whole, while everything else around it had been bombed into ruins.
While World War II history has been sanitized, some historians can still discern the truth, which is the Zionists have sacrificed Jews to gain the “moral authority” in order to greatly institutionalize their “Holocaust” and to steal and plunder Palestine and eliminate all native Palestinians with constant genocide.
In Jewish writer, Ben Hecht’s book, Perfidy, he tells how the Zionist bankers (who funded Hitler) sacrificed 1,000,000 European Jews by refusing Adolph Eichmann’s offer (with total authorization from Hitler and Himmler) to free those Jews in exchange for merely 1,000 tons of coffee and tea and 10,000 trucks.
The Zionists needed Hitler and the war in order to have their Holocaust and to be able to steal Palestine. That much has proven true.
Still, the implied Zionist assertion, of what they call the Holocaust, justifies their genocide or ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is not in the best interest of the Israelis or Jews anywhere.
Since its inception, the Zionist plan has been to breed anti-Semitism around the world. It is an intention which supports the concept that the ultimate controllers of Zionism are non-Jewish entities, who make use of ignorant and/or self-serving Israeli leaders and Jewish neo-cons in western governments.
But, there are undoubtedly deeper reasons for the Zionists bringing Hitler to power and the following war ­ and that, I believe, has to do with the metaphysical, dark-force belief and intention that the Semitic gene (both Jewish and Arabic) must be mutated and ultimately exterminated. But, again, I cannot prove any of that, except for the fact of depleting uranium (DU) being used in the Zionist Middle Eastern wars of US/Israeli aggression.
Absurdly, Israel was the first country to use DU in warfare, and it has been heavily used ever since by US and Israeli armed forces.
From time to time, the Israeli’s even use DU on defenseless Palestinians in Gaza, in spite of its radiation blowing all over Jerusalem and the rest of Israel, making the whole small country radioactive for the next 4.5 billion years. And yet, most Israelis support the use of DU and thus their own demise.
Zionism is simply a deceptive plot used by the secret Illuminists for world destruction and control that far too many Jews and Christians have fallen for. Not a pretty picture, especially when considering the arrogant ignorance of so many Jews and Christians.
Israel, and the other Middle Eastern nation states, are now merely the “walking dead” amongst our world community of countries.
J. Speer Williams


Not quite the story we are fed, but this is what you find when you look. Again, Jack is recognizing that the Jews are just a tool in the hand of the Zionists, but most believe otherwise.

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