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James Corbett briefly runs through the background and processes leading up to the creation of ISIL. Did anyone guess it was American? 10 points if you did.

But remember, the US machine, despite what the mainstream media would have you believe, has been under complete control of its Zionist banking masters since at least 1913 when the Federal Reserve was set up, including its regional structure, primarily under the direction of one Paul Warburg, who no doubt had the best interests of Americans at heart…

It has been argued to me that there is no central control, since the Federal Reserve System consists of 12 regional banks with their own board of directors. I think the quotations from Warburg in the above link put that notion to bed. I quote from that article:

Mr. Warburg, it will be remembered, wanted only one central bank. But, because of political considerations, as Professor Seligman tells us, twelve were decided upon. An examination of Mr. Warburg’s printed discussions of the subject shows that he at one time considered four, then eight. Eventually, twelve were established. The reason was that one central bank, which naturally would be set up in New York, would give a suspicious country the impression that it was only a new scheme to keep the nation’s money flowing to New York. As shown by Professor Seligman, quoted in the last number, Mr. Warburg was not averse to granting anything that would allay popular suspicion without vitiating the real plan.

So, while admitting to the Senators who examined him as to his fitness for membership on the Federal Reserve Board—the Board which fixed the policies of the banks of the Federal Reserve System and told them what to do—that he did not like the 12 district banks idea, he said that his objections to it could “be overcome in an administrative way.” That is, the 12 banks could be so handled that the effect would be the same as if there were only one central bank, presumably in New York.

And that is about the way it has resulted, and that will be found to be one of the reasons for the present situation of the country.

There is no lack of money in New York today (1920). Motion picture ventures are being financed into the millions. A big grain selling pool, nursed into existence and counseled by Bernard M. Baruch, has no hesitancy whatever in planning for a $100,000,000 corporation. Loew, the Jewish theatrical man, had no difficulty in opening 20 new theaters this year—

But go into the agricultural states, where the real wealth of the country is in the ground and in the granaries, and you cannot find money for the farmer.

It is a situation which none can deny and which few can explain, because the explanation is not to be found along natural lines. Natural conditions are always easiest to explain. Unnatural conditions wear an air of mystery. Here is the United States, the richest country in the world, containing at the present hour the greatest bulk of wealth to be found anywhere on earth—real, ready, available, usable wealth; and yet it is tied up tight, and cannot move in its legitimate channels, because of manipulation which is going on as regards money.

Money is the last mystery for the popular mind to penetrate, and when it succeeds in getting “on the inside” it will discover that the mystery is not in money at all, but in its manipulation, the things which are done “in an administrative way.”

End of quote.

So, the regional banking structure was a political compromise, but which Warburg recognised could be readily addressed “in an administrative way.”

And my previous article on the control of the US supply machine by Bernard Baruch during WWI illustrates how complete that control was, as early as WWI.

Until we understand these things and whose agenda ISIL serves, we can NEVER make any sense of our world.

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DAVID ICKE - The Goal of the ISIL Psyops is WW3 & then a NWO

Mon Mar 9 , 2015
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