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My mind has kept going back to this video since I sent the post below, and although the quotes are all extraordinary, the one that yells at me is Paul Warburg from 1950. If you are unaware, he is the man who came to the United States in the early 1900s with the specific purpose of creating the Federal Reserve, a feat he fulfilled in 1913. Warburg went on to become the Fed’s first Chairman, which was during WWI and all whilst one of his brothers was the head of the German secret service – the supposed enemy. Had he been a commoner, in such circumstances he would likely have been in prison. But not a Zionist banker.

And if you have not watched the video below and listened to what Warburg had to say later in his life – February 17th, 1950 in testimony to the US Senate.

And some of you want to argue the Fed is benign? Spare me. Read Eustace Mullins on the Fed’s creation. Or Henry Ford or James Perloff’s “Truth is a Lonely Warrior”.

Original post:

One of the things I felt was key in Henry Ford’s “The International Jew” from 1920-2 was the he relied entirely upon the quotes of Zionists for his evidence. He didn’t rely upon the views of opinions of the goyim. He let the Zionists hang themselves.

The same is true of this brief video. It contains a series of direct quotes of Zionists, including reference to where those quotes are documented. I share it in the remote chance that it might wake up a few more people to how our world works, and the future these people see for it. And it’s not pretty.

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