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January 2025



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Preston James shares evidence and writes things most are unwilling to write about how the world works and how this has impacted the United States. This article is a good example:

There is growing dissent inside the Pentagon associated with the divided political loyalties of various factions.

Slowly but surely more and more Pentagon officials and their subordinates are beginning to wake up and understand that they have been seduced to fight foreign wars of aggression for the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate.

And that they have done this for the large Wall Street Banks, their associated “no bid” defense contractors, and for the state of Israel.

And they are beginning to understand that all this has been a big trick pulled on them by Traitors within their ranks who used Gladio-style, inside-job, engineered synthetic terror on 9-11-01 to attack America and then wrongly blamed it on innocent foreign Mideast nations. And they did all this in order to deceive America to fight illegal, unConstitutional, unprovoked, unjust wars.

Not only do these foreign wars of aggression violate the Geneva Conventions but constitute crimes against humanity under International Law besides being completely illegal and unConstitutional.

Many folk inside the Pentagon are now just beginning to understand that the American Military has served as the policemen, enforcers and cannon-fodder for these Banks and their associated defense contractors.

And that this has all been done to generate obscene profits and gain cheap access to other nation’s natural resources with absolutely no concern for the lives or welfare of heroic American Soldiers or their families. And much of the medical care provided by the VA is insufficient and in too many cases disgraceful with lost and missing records.

Some insiders have even suggested that the Top Policy-Makers that really have been running the American Military want lots of dead and wounded American Soldiers coming home with ongoing disabilities and a high suicide count.

And that various high tech eugenics have been used to provide this intended result including contaminated, debased vaccines, exposure to depleted uranium, known to be able to cause reproductive/genetic damage and earlier death from higher rates of cancer.

It is becoming more and more clear that there is a high level plot to kill, wound and disable America’s best youth and weaken their military by busing them as cannon fodder to fight wars for israel and the Banksters. It can actually be shown quite conclusively that all wars are banker’s wars in the final analysis.

This disgusting realization that General Smedley Butler was correct when he claimed that all war is a racket for Wall Street shocks the conscience into life for many able to gain such an understanding and have not lost their souls.

Naturally most Pentagon Officials, Officers of high rank and civilian employees enjoy the high positions and status they have attained. This motivates them to stay true believers of the party lines and ideologies their superiors expect.

And we know for sure that the majority of Pentagon Officers would stop serving the *Khazarian Mafia who hijacked the Pentagon if they actually understood that this is what happened, that is that the pentagon was infiltrated and hijacked by highly connected individuals who had divided loyalties and were serving another nation more than America.

What has been lacking has been access to the truth of who really runs the Pentagon and how they infiltrated it and hijacked and under what power they were able to do so.

All these facts are now coming out for the first time after being forbidden and suppressed for many years thanks to a new faction of America-firsters which has emerged within the Pentagon and American Intel.

These America-firsters have worked very hard for a number if years to get the real truth out about this infiltration and hijacking of the pentagon and the USG’s hijacking too which has been done by the same groups of Traitors who serve the World’s biggest Organized crime Syndicate.

Finally their work is attaining serious results. The American masses as well as many Pentagon Officials are now learning how our nation’s highest echelons were infiltrated and hijacked by the Khazarian Mafia and its subordinates the Bush Crime Cabal (aka the BCC) and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors (aka the Zios).

The rest of the article is here.

Whilst I can’t confirm the changed attitudes James speaks of, what has been going on is very evident, given the available information, though we might disagree on the timing of this takeover. It pre-dates WWI.

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