Thank you, Gillian. A wonderful perspective on the bigger picture.
Who are the PlayMakers? They are perceived as the “1 percent.” In actuality it’s more like the .”0.000000001 percent” who have devised and control this game.
The game itself is an energy game. It’s configured by the PlayMakers as a “take/exploit” exchange, with themselves as Takers and the 99.99999999 as exploitable energy resources embedded in the game (at birth) without informed consent.
Greedopoly has simple rules of engagement. Takers (exclusively):
- extract energy from the output of the 99.9999999 percent via corporations, big pharma, weather wars, real wars, trade partnerships, bribery, corruption, malfeasance, and, for emergencies just plain graft.
- extend empty energy pockets (privately-owned central banks) to be filled by the energy output of the 99.9999999 percent via taxes, mortgages and unsecured loans saddled with usurious interest rates
- control everything everywhere via spy tech, hidden tech, internet tech, the Bavarian Illuminati, royal houses, the UN, World Health Organization, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, “democratically” elected governments, and Agenda 21
- weed out “useless eaters” via GMOs, chemtrails, race-specific viruses, vaccines, and devious plots too numerous to list
- Enforce laws, regulations, rules, statutes, legal claims – none of which apply to them
- Build underground bunkers, seed vaults, and nature preserves with proceeds from drug trades and wealth stolen from conquered territories
Greedopoly Ends When Winners Take All (Or Losers Stop Playing)
Because it’s fundamentally a one-way energy grab Greedopoly reaches a terminal point when the energy demands on the system exceed energy output from the system. Bud Conrad discusses the manipulations of government, central banks, and financial institutions on behalf of the PlayMakers. “Despite what we’ve be told is the case, they have fixed absolutely nothing. Our national debt has grown, millions have already been impoverished and millions more will be soon. The next crisis is imminent. The complex of potential future problems will be based on the same problems that caused the 2008 downturn… too much government debt, too much private debt and a collapse of that debt when it can’t be paid, creating a new economic crisis. . . .”
Ellen Brown agrees. “That’s the big disaster that’s coming. Probably one of these big derivative banks will go bankrupt . . . the derivative players will get first dibs. They’ll grab all the deposits, and there won’t be anything left.”
As for serving time for financial crime that’s a laugher except if you, like Bernie Madoff, run a parallel financial crime syndicate. As Matt Taibbi notes, “Of course, you won’t hear about the recent financial corruption case, United States of America v. Carollo, Goldberg and Grimm, called anything like that . . . But this just completed trial in downtown New York . . . allowed federal prosecutors to make public for the first time the astonishing inner workings of the reigning American crime syndicate, which now operates not out of Little Italy and Las Vegas, but out of Wall Street.”
In fact, Taibbi continues “the most dangerous possible consequence of the extreme concentration of financial power that has taken place in the last few decades has always been the possibility that these giants might figure out ways to work together, to game the costs of things for the rest of us. That’s what took place in this case, as these defendants (and many big banks which have already settled with the state for similar actions) were caught colluding to skim from the investment returns owed to all of us local taxpayers.”
Iceland Says “No”
Fortunately, a shining example of saying “no” to the PlayMakers just happened in Iceland. “Iceland’s government has announced that it will be writing off up to 24,000 euros ($32,600) of every household’s mortgage, fulfilling its election promise, despite overwhelming criticism from international financial institutions. The measure was introduced by the country’s prime minister, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, the leader of the Progressive Party which won the late-April elections on a promise of household debt relief. According to the government’s website the household debt will be reduced by 13 percent on average.”
Naturally the PlayMakers aren’t pleased and are pulling out all the stops. They’re expressing their disapproval via international organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and slashing Iceland’s rating via Standard & Poors from “stable” to “negative.”
Like All Games Played With Loaded Dice Greedopoly Dies With Exposure
Greedopoly is no longer a hidden game. Its stranglehold is being challenged by Bitcoin, state-owned banks, and informed-citizen repudiation of PlayMaker trade treaties, vaccines and GMOs. What once seemed like a yawn to the finish line has suddenly grown recalcitrant tentacles that threaten the centralized hub of total control.
Opposing forces have begun operations in the Middle East (Russia and China), South America (Brazil), Africa (South Africa), and India. They are creating an economic block to offset the global economic damage that was planned by the PlayMakers to facilitate their ultimate grab for supreme power via one world governance. To the PlayMakers increasing dismay what once seemed a sure bet isn’t so sure any more. Like Pandora’s box, the lid has been opened and the consequences are likely to prove just as unpalatable for them as they proved for Pandora.
Until next week,
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