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January 2025



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I have begun to comment on what I call the Scientific Worldview, the view supposedly created by the stringent application of the scientific method, but is not, and excludes things which have been and can be demonstrated by the application of the scientific method, but don’t fit the Scientific Worldview model that all can be explained with the material or temporal domain. It’s just not true, but it is a belief system that many people in the Western world in particular take to be true.

So this post by Jon Rappoport in which he shares how Brian Williams of NBC was caught lying. I quote:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” —Marcia Angell, MD (“Drug Companies and Doctors: A story of Corruption.” NY Review of Books, Jan. 15, 2009.)

Essentially, Angell is saying that fraud dressed up to look like science is pervasive in official medical media.

So it is in the news business.

The veneer and the tone and pose of objectivity are a front, a con.

Take the breaking story of NBC’s Brian Williams, “the most trusted name in news.” He lied about being in a helicopter taking fire in Iraq in 2003. He admitted the lie yesterday, and in his confession he apparently lied again, giving the false impression that the helicopter right in front of his took the fire, when at least one soldier on the scene states that Williams’ helicopter wasn’t even in the same formation, but landed some time later.

The impact of Williams lying is magnified by his persona of objectivity, which is on display every night on NBC. The objective man was lying. He was making it up. He was faking it.

Consider the 2004 Pediatrics study which exonerated the MMR vaccine and claimed it was in no way connected to autism. Objective science. But last August, one of the authors of the study, William Thompson, a long-time researcher at the CDC, released a statement through his attorney, Rick Morgan, confessing that he and his co-authors had lied, omitted vital data, rigged the study, in order to give the vaccine a free pass.

An objective expert—a rank liar.

End of quote. I commend Jon’s article to you.

It is but one strand of the falseness of this Scientific Worldview. There are many others, if you are willing to look.

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