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January 2025



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Thank you, Gilda.

I have said many times, for those with ears to hear, that everything I need to know comes to me. This is a perfect example. This video was shared with me, but it mentions things that it does not give detail of. More in a moment.

This video shares an interview with Dr. Steve Pieczenick (backup at this link), a long-term US intelligence operative, whose videos I have tracked for many years. Whether you agree with him or not, this man is, in my opinion, honourable and honest.

Pieczenick explains that there has been a sting operation set up, with the implicit knowledge and involvement of Trump, to entrap the Democratic and related party efforts to fraudulently steal the US Presidential Election.

He says they have watermarked the ballots with a blockchain code. Please watch the video if you have not. If you have been tracking the US Presidential election process beyond the superficial press “positioning”, the Biden lead makes no sense. As Pieczenick explains, this attempt has been well understood by Trump and those working for him for some time.

When you listen to Pieczenick, he only mentions blockchain technology, but he speaks of being able to track and locate EVERY ballot paper. Think about it. This is much more than blockchain. And so, to return to my earlier observation about what I need to know coming to me; this evening, after I watched the video, as part of a long and apparently unrelated conversation, a friend (name withheld) told me he had also been told about the vote tracking, but the technology included the ability to track every ballot by satellite. Now Pieczenick’s words make more sense (and sounds eerily like the technology set up to track every human being on the planet).

So, expect this story to come out shortly and play out in the public arena.

However, let me repeat earlier comments I have made about the political process. As I have come to understand it, the so-called democratic process, in its modern manifestation, began in Britain in the late 17th century after the beheading of Charles I of England in 1649 at the hands of Oliver Cromwell, who was an agent of the elite Jews of Amsterdam (not widely known), who allowed them back into Britain, from where they had been expelled for usury in the 12th century. About 30 years later, they set up the privately-owned Bank of England and a few years later, the British Parliamentary democracy, for the purpose of hiding the true power and control in the world, which still exists today and has been spread across the world, including to the US. And regardless of what happens in this farcical US election, this position still holds true.

We live in interesting times…


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Mon Nov 9 , 2020
Thank you, Nods. I share this video, (backup at this link) primarily for my fellow Aussies. As David Icke calls it, a classic example of […]
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