I encourage you to watch this video, to understand how the Icelanders rapidly recovered from the 2008 crisis. Except there’s one core element not discussed. Iceland does not have a private, Rothschild-controlled central bank (and I have confirmed this with an Icelandic friend). They don’t have a leech attached to their economic heart, bleeding them dry, as most other countries of the world do, including the so-called economic powerhouses of the world – United States, Russia and China. No Rothschild central bank, no debt. Get the picture? It’s pretty simple, really, but its mired in obfuscation.
What surprises me is the key politicians responsible are still alive (look at the history behind the actions of the Polish government all killed in a plane crash in Russia a few years ago for a recent example), and that the mainstream press actually mentions it.
And here is a 40 second summary of what and how it was put in place in the United States.
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