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I find this article an interesting summary of Bashar al-Assad and why he was re-elected by his people as recently as 2014. It’s easy to lose sight of the support he has in his country when we listen to the demonization by the Western MSM:

Why is the Syrian President relentlessly demonized by the Anglo-American Axis?

Just like President Vladimir Putin of Russia, Syria’s President Bashar Hafez al-Assad has been the victim of unrelenting character assassination and false reporting by the Western Mainstream Media (MSM).  Many of the MSM outlets throughout the Anglo-American Axis (AAA) have published one false story after another in a concerted effort to turn the entire world against him.  And for what?

Why are they so determined to overthrow one of the very few righteous leaders in the Middle East?

The true answers to this question are as profound as they are far-reaching.  On a quite superficial level, Assad represents the proverbial skunk at the garden party.  The Anglo-American Axis has a set agenda and predetermined schedule; and, they will not let any nation or political leader get in its way.  A trained physician like Assad was thought to be the least of their (AAA) troubles during the choreographed Arab Spring events.  After all, doctors everywhere take the sacred vow known as the Hippocratic Oath — “First, do no harm.”

The Israeli-Franco-Anglo-American power-brokers, who have controlled the destiny of most of the Middle Eastern nations for decades, have entered a new and desperate phase of conquest.  Unfortunately for the entire Mideast, that desperation manifested as the fomenting of a number of revolutionary Arab Spring events.  The resulting widespread death and destruction reflects just how determined the AAA is to advance their misguided agenda.

Whereas each of these engineered protest movements was initiated by the agents of the AAA, not all of them were entirely successful.  While the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD may have most of the Middle East hardwired by way of information technology, many of the indigenous peoples still remain off their grid, to varying degrees of course.  Nevertheless, they still expected Assad to simply resign after so many other countries had succumbed to the CIA-directed Facebook revolutions and civil wars via Twitter.

President Assad, they have come to find out, is a completely different kind of being.  Not only is he not of their ilk, his very presence on the Mideast geopolitical chessboard causes them great consternation.  Why?  Because President Assad has a conscience in contrast to the many other leaders who clearly govern without any conscience whatsoever.  Of course, the AAA leadership has demonstrated time and again that it operates without any discernible conscience.  So devoid of a moral compass are the American, French, and British invaders that Assad’s continued leadership makes them all look bad … VERY BAD.  Hence, their compulsion to demonize him at every turn.

Because of the strategic geopolitical importance of Syria, the AAA can no longer tolerate such an honest peace-broker or righteous leader in such a vital location and position of leadership.  Most are completely unaware, but President Assad is as just and principled as they come anywhere in the world today, particularly in the Mideast.  The only way that the al-Assad family was able to stay in power since 1970 (45 consecutive years) was because of the family trait for fairness and tolerance.

End of quote.

I commend the rest of the article to you.

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