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January 2025



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In the interests of seeking to have at least one more person who sees these posts to revisit the well-entrenched beliefs about the Holocaust, I share this well-researched and written blog post by Robert Faurisson. I quote:

On December 11, 2006 I completed a twenty-page study entitled “The Victories of Revisionism” ( In it I noted, as examples, twenty victories won by the revisionists on the strictly historical and scientific level, whereas, on the media and judicial levels, their opponents continued to occupy nearly all the terrain. The “Holocaust” sectarians concealed their defeats and went on deceiving the public as they had been doing since 1945. But now, suddenly, the accelerated development of the Internet and the evolution of the world situation, so unfortunate for the State of Israel and the United States of America, have gradually changed the order of things. Revisionism’s victories have started getting talked about. In particular, there is a proliferation of websites, forums and blogs where visitors have been able to learn, first, of the concessions made to the revisionists by “Holocaust” historians, and then of the real capitulations to which some of the latter have been driven. To begin, in 1979, a group of 34 French academics signed a joint statement that was most revealing of their inability to describe the operation of “the magical gas chamber” (Louis-Ferdinand Céline); they pitifully declared: “One must not ask oneself how, technically, such a mass-murder was possible. It was technically possible, since it happened” (Le Monde, February 21, 1979, p. 23). In 1985 Raul Hilberg, the most eminent historian of “the Holocaust”, finally acknowledged that there was, after all, no known evidence of the reality of any order, plan or organisation aiming at the physical destruction of the European Jews and, in order to continue upholding that fiction nonetheless, he decided to resort to some astonishing explanations in the vein of what might be called “group parapsychology” (see below). In 1995 Jean-Claude Pressac, Serge Klarsfeld’s liege man, definitively laid down his arms (see below). In the years thereafter something of a general desertion or rout could be observed among historians of “the Holocaust”: feigning ignorance of what, in 1968 in her main academic dissertation, the Jewish historian Olga Wormser-Migot had herself been compelled to call “the problem of the gas chambers” and passing over in silence a number of other historical “problems” of that kind, they were content to repeat the purely gratuitous statements of the judges at Nuremberg and, for the most part, did not venture to look for historical and scientific evidence of their “Holocaust”. But one Jewish researcher remained in the running, the one whom I, for my part, called “the last of the Jewish Mohicans”; that was my sobriquet for Robert Jan van Pelt. However, once again, the matter was to end with a kind of capitulation. As will be seen below, on December 27, 2009 the fellow wound up his lengthy research work with the following observation: as concerns Auschwitz, for virtually everything “we know” about that camp (capital of “the Holocaust”, visited by millions of believers) there is simply no evidence to be found… there at Auschwitz; it would be better to stop spending so much money trying to preserve the place; nature should take it back! This researcher’s embarrassment is indeed understandable: he would prefer to see the pure fabrications, like the crematorium at Auschwitz I, disappear (“Everything in it is false”, as French historian Eric Conan eventually found in 1995: L’Express, January 19-25, 1995, p. 68; on this subject see point no. 16 at and the article at

From 1979 to 2009, that is, for thirty years, the proponents of the authorised version of Second World War history have failed in their attempts to reply to the revisionists on the level of history, science, material research and the careful study of documents and testimonies. To compensate for this failure the “Holocaust” worshipers have sought refuge via the reserves of imagination or belief; hence a remarkable propagation of novels, notoriously false “testimonies”, plays, films, ceremonies, pilgrimages. And so it is that “Shoah Business” and the “Holocaust Religion” have flooded the world with their products and their phantasmagoria.

End of quote.

I commend the remainder of the article to you.

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