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January 2025



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Most Americans have no idea their country is now an occupied nation with a foreign based enemy inside its Gates. This enemy has infiltrated and taken control of America. It is now instituting a Globalist NWO Agenda by using acquired American political, military and economic might. It’s incredibly evil Agenda includes the deployment of false-flag terror to produce the massive chaos necessary to justify foreign wars of aggression for profit and the creation of a large American secret police (DHS). It also includes the step-by-step, planned complete asset stripping of all wealth and property from Americans and the destruction of America by removing its borders and debasing its language and culture.

Sadly most Americans have no idea that America is occupied by the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia (KM) which is a Globalist NWO Crime Cabal with an incredibly sinister, Evil Agenda for America and the whole World.

It’s time for them to become informed about who has infiltrated and hijacked America, how they did it and what is their notably Evil Agenda of hate, engineered conflict at every level of society, tyranny, terror and war for profit, asset stripping, mass-death and incredible human suffering. All designed by using the age old strategy of Divide and Conquer.

We now know for certain that America was infiltrated in 1913 by the Khazarian Mafia’s private Central Banksters and is now a nation occupied by them.

Article continued here.

As I’ve said before, the efforts of Paul Warburg in setting up the Federal Reserve – his mission in coming to the United States – was the last element in this takeover, and far from the first.

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The unfailing pattern of drills on the day of false flag events, including Paris (twice)

Mon Nov 30 , 2015
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