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January 2025



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This article by Gordon Duff reveals some of the sordid details of the sexual deviance at the highest levels of Washington which, of course, goes on with no risk of exposure or prosecution. I quote:

A while ago Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives during the “W” Bush administration was arrested by the FBI for fraud and money laundering charges. Hastert was third in line for the presidency, and a major force for the continual moralizing of the right wing.

His real crime is serial rape of students when he was a secondary school coach and scout leader. His criminal charges are for hiding millions paid in blackmail to silence victims. ABC News published photos of teenagers he had taken on an “Explorers” trip to the Bahamas.

End of quote.

But it goes much further, discussing details of the sex and drug habits of various administrations. Not that this kind of practice is new news. For example, Cathy O’Brien exposed a great deal of this in her book “Trance Formation of America”, Cathy herself having been a Presidential level mind controlled slave.

But this is just the American end of a global practice. In my view, we are seeing a glimpse of the global paedosadistic control system, as I’ve said before. Duff gives us a sense that he might share this view with his easily missed comment, “There is well certain much more behind this, that the orgies of abuse and decadence may well be a sacrament to the old gods.”

In my view, those old gods are satanic in their nature.

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