Just the headline should set off your alarm bells. Remind you of the holohoax psyop? It does me. No questions will be entertained. And the global warming one. And…
I quote:
After publicly declaring that all vaccines are safe and not linked to autism, the American Academy of Pediatrics refused to provide a single shred of scientific evidence to support their claims. Even more laughably, the AAP said that there’ no need to provide any evidence at all, since the safety of vaccines is assumed to be true. Thus, who needs science when there’s such a widespread feeling of certainty?
This is the sad state of the abandonment of science by the entire medical establishment, which now employs troll farms to viciously smear and attack any person who refuses to mindlessly worship the “Religion of Vaccines.” Vaccines are uniquely declared exempt from all scientific scrutiny — or even any convincing, legitimate evidence of safety — based entirely on the woo woo feelings of vaccine promoters whose actions resemble psychopathic cult members more than defenders of legitimate science.
Read this astonishing report by Jeremy Hammond from JeremyHammond.com to understand more:
American Academy of Pediatrics Refuses to Back Vaccine Claims with Science
When asked whether it could provide studies to support specific claims it made about vaccine safety, the American Academy of Pediatrics ultimately declined.
On January 10, 2017, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a press release to express its opposition to a federal commission that has been proposed by the Trump administration to examine vaccine safety and efficacy. The AAP argues that since we already know that vaccines are safe and effective, therefore there is no need for further examination into their safety and efficacy.
This argument, however, begs the question — it presumes in the premise the proposition to be proven (the petitio principii fallacy). And the press release itself illustrates why, apart from the question of whether there should be a federal commission, critical examination of public vaccine policy is very much warranted.
In its press release, among other things, the AAP stated that:
- Vaccines prevent cancer.
- Claims that vaccines are linked to autism “have been disproven by a robust body of medical literature”.
- Claims that vaccines “are unsafe when administered according to the [CDC’s] recommended schedule” have likewise “been disproven by a robust body of medical literature”.
According to the AAP, its own claims are backed by solid science. Yet when asked whether it could provide citations from the medical literature to support its claims, the AAP first failed to do so, then essentially offered a “No comment” when pressed for a comment about its failure to do so.
End of quote.
Just when you think it can’t get worse, it does.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the ledger, Dr. Rima Laibow has released The Definitive Autism Action eBook:
The Definitive Autism Action eBook by Rima E. Laibow MD addresses the 21st Century Autism Pandemic from the perspective of a physician (practicing drug-free medicine and psychiatry for nearly 50 years) who has treated autistic people with notable success.
Autism is not the “new normal.” It is a serious iatrogenic medical condition that can be addressed. There are natural solutions.
She now provides this 110-page Action Plan to help families facing the challenges of Autism. The purchase includes on-line access to the Quick Start Guide, currently a 15-page guide compendium of steps to take. The Guide will be updated as circumstances warrant and purchasers of the eBook will have access to the updated Guide.
The Guide and the eBook cover these important steps:
Step 1: Join the Health Freedom Elist
Step 2: Assert Your Rights
Step 3. Protect Your Rights
Step 4. Tell Everyone You Can Reach
Step 5. Get an Accurate Diagnosis with As Much Detail As Possible
Step 6. Start Keeping Notes/Journal
Step 7. Do Not Worry About Whether the Experts Like You
Step 8. Eliminate All Pharmaceuticals As Quickly As Possible
Step 9. Clean Up Your Child’s Diet, And Yours, Too
Step 10. Detoxification Must Take Place
Step 11. Reparative Strategies Go Far Beyond Special Education
Step 12. Emotional and Social Support for You
Step 13. Protect Your Child’s Immune System
Step 14. Control Histamine
End of quote.
May more parents find a way to avoid this horrific, vaccine induced condition, and if not, investigate and pursue the natural ways to heal their child.
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