This article outlines how Interpol – supposedly – can stem the wildlife devastation.
For me, this avoids the most fundamental issue, an issue that is simply invisible to most, and that is how we have been persuaded that the real value in the world is in dollars and cents, and the more of those you have, the more valuable you are. It is a truly bizarre notion when you think about it. The real value lies in you and me, and in the wildlife itself. Indeed, it is even recognized by those who have set up this corrupt value system (see this document).
In simple terms, our approach to protecting wildlife is to ask the local people and other poachers to give up a key input to their livelihood. They, too, need money to live. It is doomed to failure. Only a fundamental shift in our value system will protect the world’s threatened wildlife, and the same applies to the devastation of the world’s forests.
Kind Regards,
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