I follow the work of Kevin Annett and the ITCCS closely as I see this work as being the most powerful process currently underway for revealing the truth of how our world is run behind the scenes and for bringing these people to account for their crimes against humanity.
This most recent update reveals an attempt by the British Government to imprison Kevin as well as some recent steps forward. Perhaps the most exciting is the emergence of action groups and common law courts that are moving this forward and seeking to reclaim our power form the corporatized so-called governments and legal processes we are subjected to across the globe. Most of this action is currently occurring in the English-speaking countries and, as Kevin says, it is time to get out from behind our Internet screens and take action if we believe in bringing these changes in our world. Most of us think we have something to lose, but as Steve Jobs put it in this wonderful speech to a Stanford graduation I watched again recently, “you are already naked”. There are no excuses. What will you do to make sure your children and grandchildren are free to live out their full potential? In today’s world, taking care of the day-to-day of your life will not get it done.
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