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July 2024



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Thank you, Pam.

The Community Rights Movement in the United States is the most powerful grass roots movement I have seen. It is a movement grounded in the sovereign rights of individuals to govern themselves and that governments are accountable to them, not vice versa. It is also dismantling the legal fiction that has been built up through the Supreme Court of the United States over the last 200 years, which gives companies the rights of a person and then some. And Paul Cienfuegos, who is being interviewed, is incredibly able to take complex ideas and express them in terms everyone can understand. And he’s in action with this stuff.

This text from the Part 1 YouTube video:

Community Rights educator Paul Cienfuegos explains how “We The People” are exercising the authority to govern ourselves and dismantle corporate rule. When small farmers in rural Pennsylvania wanted to say “no” to a corporate factory farm coming into their community, they learned they couldn’t, because it would violate the corporation’s “rights” and state pre-emption laws. So they did something technically illegal – their town passed an innovative ordinance banning corporate factory farming. It worked! The corporation left town. Pittsburgh upshifted the approach: Rather than define what we don’t want, define what we DO want. Their “Right to Water” stopped natural gas fracking in the city. Ordinances like this have been passed in over 150 communities in 9 states.

You will find Episodes 2 and 3 follow along or you’ll find them on the Part 1 page.

Powerful, powerful action. So exciting!!!

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